English communicative competence is growingly important,however,many college graduates can't communicate smoothly in English.Therefore,the English teacher is supposed to know clearly what abilities English communicative competence should contain,namely:what ability a person needs to be able to use English to communicate effectively.To that end,a large number of relevant literatures is carefully read;the evolution of English communicative competence model is reviewed;and then an English communicative competence model,inclusive,open-ended and dynamic,is put forward to guide English teaching and learning.
This case study examines the interaction through emails between a professor and one of his third-year students outside of the classroom to explore the problems in the teacher-student interaction.It shows that confronted with difficulties,the student turns directly to her teacher,yet failing to make her specific difficulties known,and the teacher spares no pains to exemplify the doing of assignments,yet knowing little about his student’s knowings and unknowings.At the end of the article are some enlightenments:seeking help after self-attempting and helping after knowing.
从批判话语分析视角,采用费尔克拉夫(Fairclough)的三维分析模式,对美国大学University of Central Oklahomo的留学生招生简介进行了实例分析,以研究高等教育机构话语特征及揭示其语言背后潜在的意识形态。结果发现:高等教育机构市场化促使大学模仿企业采用类似广告的促销话语进行宣传招生。为此,招生简介使用人称代词构建亲近的人际关系;情态动词构建一所享有威望的优秀大学形象;通过话语混杂力求说服潜在留学生来UCO就读。