Resources and ecological distribution of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi(AMF) on wild plants in Shandong vegetation region were investigated during 1995-1997. A total of 182 rhizospheric soil samples were collected from 50 wild plants. Spores of AMF occurred in all samples. More than fourty species of AMF were isolated and 35 species in five genera were identified. Among the five genera,the frenquency of occurence was Glomus (51.7%)> Scutellospora (23.1)> Gigaspora(14.1%)>Acaulospora(9.5%)>Entrophospora (0.8%). Glomus mosseae, Gigaspora margarita are prominent species, G.versiforme, G.constrictum, S.gilmorei are common species to be isolated. The spore density of AMF was different: Gigaspora>Glomus>Scutellospora>Acaulospora>Entrophospora . The occurence and distribution of AMF are related to regional difference, soil factors(contents of N, P; organic matter and pH) and host plant.The prominent species in eastern part were Gi.margarita, G.mosseae and G.versiforme , while in middle and western part of Shandong province was G.mosseae . The occurence frequency of Glomus, Gigaspora and Scutellospora was much higher than that of other genera in eastern and middle part of Shandong province. While Glomus and Acaulospora were higher in the western part. The spore number of Gigaspora and Scutellospora were much more than that of other genera in the samples collected in the eastern and middle area, while Glomus and Acaulospora are more frequently encountered in the western part of Shandong provence.
rhizospheric soil samples were collected from 45 wild plants distributed in Shandong Province during 1995~1997. More than forty species of AM fungi were isolated, and the effects of some soil factors on AM fungi were also investigated. It was proved that soil conditions were important factors to the colonization, growth, and distribution of AM fungi. Spore numbers were highest in brown earth, and lowest in alkali saline soil. Glomus occurred in all types of soil. The occurrence frequency of Gigaspora and Scutellospora was much higher in brown earth. The distribution of AM fungi was also affected by soil pH. Glomus occurred in soil with a wide pH range. The greater of soil alkalinity, the more Glomus were found, while the greater of soil acidity, the more Acaulospora were isolated. Scutellospora occurred mostly in soil with pH of 6\^0~7\^0, and Gigaspora distributed mainly in acid soil.