There exists strong electromagnetic radiation in inductive energy storage accelerators.It can destroy a measuring device at a distance.By repeated experiments,we found that it is a wide-spectrum electromagnetic wave with a main frequency of 75MHz.The effector such as coaxial transmission line is effected strongly in short distance.The current in the coaxial transmission line can be measured in Rogowski coils.The strength of field in it is about 500V/m and the peak current is 217mA.The radiation source may be LC oscillating or electric exploding opening switch. Through the experimental research,we think it probably may be caused by the LC oscillating in the circuit when the switches conduct.And its strength is correlated to current change ratio.The change rate in secondary circuit is stronger than in primary circuit.So the radiation generated in secondary circuit is stronger than in primary circuit.It may be a reference for further research in inductive energy storage accelerators and shielding electromagnetic disturbing.