The characters of marine data, such as multi-source, polymorphism, diversity and large amount, determine their differences from other data. How to store and manage marine data rationally and effectively to provide powerful data support for marine management information system and "Digital Ocean" prototype system construction is an urgent problem to solve. Different types of system planning data, such as marine resource, marine environment, marine econotny and marine management, and establishing marine data architecture frame with uniform standard are to realize the effective management of all level marine data, such as national marine data, the provincial (municipal) marine data, and meet the need of fundamental information-platform construction.
Digital Ocean Information Framework (DOIF) has been proposed by China in 2011 based on the achievements of the comprehensive offshore oceanic surveys supported by Chinese Offshore Investigation and Assessment Program, whose code name is 908. All observations from the surveys have been integrated and managed by DOIF. DOIF is capable of supporting the decision of making process for the sustainable use of marine resources in coastal regions of China, providing useful information and added value products as well as services for the improved management of the coastal areas in China with high business impact on the targeted groups as public authorities and commercial operators (e.g. managers, fishermen, shipping companies). The future vision of DOIF in the international marine data and information exchange and service at Western Pacific region is presented in this paper.