Bai-Hua-She-She-Cao Hedyotis diffusa Willd. (Ru-biaceae) is a medicinal herbwidely distributed in northeast Asian countries. In traditional Chinese medicine, it has the effectof 'clearing away heat and toxic material, promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis'.It is a well known Chinese folk-medicine used for the treatment of appendicitis, sore throat, mumps,acne, sebo-rheic dermatitis and various kinds of tumors, such as tumors of digestive tract,carcinoma of liver. It was reported that the MeOH extract of H. diffusa demonstrated a significantantitumor activity and ursolic acid succeeded in being isolated from the MeOH extract as an activecomponent . Shan BN, et al suggested that the direct aqueous extract of H. diffusa hadimmuno-modulating activity and antitumor activity in vitro through stimulating the immune system tokill or engulf tumor cells. But regarding anti-tumor activity in vivo of water soluble extracts fromH. diffusa, no detail was reported. Therefore, we prepared water soluble extracts (H_1 and H_2)from H. diffusa and evaluated their anti-tumor property in vivo experiments as well as protectiveeffect on chemo-therapeutic damage.