客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management-CRM)已成为企业获得竞争优势的重要手段。但传统的客户关系管理系统投资大、周期长、投资风险高,企业、尤其是中小企业难以承受。应用服务供应商(Application Service Provider-ASP)模式通过建立公共的IT服务平台,以租赁的方式为用户提供软件平台的服务,能够有效免除企业的资金和技术困扰。但是ASP模式存在的不足与缺陷却制约着它的发展。网格计算技术能充分利用网络中的各种资源,实现强大的数据处理功能。在研究现有企业ASP运作模式和商业模式的基础上,给出网格计算环境下的企业ASP模式,并构建了新模式的运营模型。将CRM、ASP和网格计算结合起来,提出网格计算环境下企业ASP-CRM模式的体系结构和服务模型,并分析了该模式的特点。
Concurrency and sharing resource of system are the main properties of concurrent operating system. Dead-lock is a important problem to solve in concurrent operating system. As a useful tool of modeling and analyzing con-current, asynchronous and distributed system ,Petri net has been used to solve many problems of operating system.However, most of the models are common Petri net. The common Petri net model is too complex when the scale ofsystem is bigger. This paper models the concurrent system with colored Petri net. It makes the model much simpler.Moreover, the paper gives an algorithm for constructing reachable marking graph of colored Petri net. As a result,the paper gives a sufficient and necessary condition for judging the system deadlock and a method for avoiding the sys-tem deadlock.