Prohyracodon cf. P. meridionale, represented by a fragmentary upper jaw with M1-M3(IVPP V 13101), is briefly described in the present paper. The fossil was found at Huoshipo near Guojia Village, Wangmao Town, Yuanqu County. The upper molars of V 13101 resemble those of P.meridionale in general tooth morphology and in size, but differ mainly in lacking distinct antecrochet. The age of the fossil-bearing bed may be of Middle Eocene Irdinmamhan as revealed by associated fossil mammals.
本文记述的乌兰塔塔尔地区林跳鼠科化石计有中亚副蹶鼠(Parasminthus asiae-entralis)、党河副蹶鼠(P. tangingoli)、小副蹶鼠(P. parvulus)、邱氏戈壁蹶鼠(Gobiosminthus qiui gen. et sp. nov.)、?戈壁蹶鼠未定种(Gobiosminthus sp.)和童氏沙漠蹶鼠(Shamosminthus tongi gen. et sp. nov.)3属6种.对副蹶鼠属各种的种内变异和种间差异、我国早第三纪林跳鼠类的系统关系以及早期林跳鼠与仓鼠间的一些形态差别做了概要的阐述和讨论.