Due to a great deal of valuable information contained in the Web log file, the result of Web mining can be used to enhance the decision making for electronic commerce (EC) operation and management. Because of ambiguous and abundance of the Web log file, the least decision making model based on rough set theory was presented for Web mining. And an example was given to explain the model. The model can predigest the decision making table, so that the least solution of the table can be acquired. According to the least solution, the corresponding decision for individual service can be made in sequence. Web mining based on rough set theory is also currently the original and particular method.
大规模开放在线课程(MOOCs, Massive Open Online Courses)关系到国家教育发展的战略资源,但目前全面分析中外文献,采用定量方法探讨MOOC研究主题和发展趋势的文献尚缺乏。因此,本研究选取WOS核心数据库(SCI和SSCI)和中文社会科学引文数据库(CSSI),采用定量分析方法对2013年至2018年发表的中外MOOCs研究文献进行深入探索,首先,分析比较中外文献出版年份、出版期刊、出版机构、学科类别和资助项目;其次,利用CiteSpace分别统计比较了中外文献关键词词频、关键词热点演变和研究主题聚类,利用R分别统计比较了中外文献关键词共现词频;最后,总结中外MOOCs研究的发展现状,明确提出了未来的研究方向,旨在提供更深层次的MOOCs理解。