That 140 patients with blood hyperviscosity syndrome and blood stasis were treated with "Kangshuanling"proved the traditional medicine effective in decreasing cumulative scores of BHS, BS, concentration, viscosity and coagulation, and lowering stress and increasing cerebral flow as well (p<0. 05-0. 001). The project is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. "Kangshuanling",in western term means positive action against thrombus and improving blood circulation, and in the theory of traditional medicine, it means invigorating "qi" by promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, namely making the stagnant blood flowing and bringing blood circulation to normality. Blood stasis consists of four hemorheological abnormalities, namely, concentration, high viscosity, high aggregation and high coagulation of blood. Those are diagnosed as BHS. There is also a positive correlation (r=0. 8307-0.8869, p<0. 001)between BHS and BS preand post treatment. It suggests that BHS may be an entity in BS.