1-amino-1-ethylamino-2,2-dinitroethylene (AEFOX-7) was synthesized by the reaction of 1,1- diamino-2,2-dinitroethylene (FOX-7) and ethylamine aqueous solution at 92 ℃. The the- oretical investigation on AEFOX-7 was carried out by B3LYP/6-311++G^** method. The IR frequencies and NMR chemical shifts were performed and compared with the experimental results. The thermal behavior of AEFOX-7 was studied with differential scanning calorimetry and thermal gravity-derivative thermogravimetry methods, and can be divided into a melting process and an exothermic decomposition process. The enthalpy, apparent activation energy and pre-exponential factor of the exothermic decomposition reaction were obtained as 374.88 kJ/mol, 169.7 kJ/mol, and 10^19.24 s^-1, respectively. The critical temperature of thermal explosion of AEFOX-7 is 145.2 ℃. The specific heat capacity of AEFOX-7 was determined with micro-DSC method and theoretical calculation method, and the molar heat capacity is 214.50 J/(mol K) at 298.15 K. The adiabatic time-to-explosion of AEFOX-7 was calculated to be a certain value between 1.38-1.40 s. The thermal stability of AEFOX-7 is much lower than that of FOX-7.
以唾液酸为起始原料,在浓硫酸催化下进行甲酯化反应得到唾液酸甲酯,收率比文献方法提高了20%以上;再通过酰氯反应制得化合物4,收率由86.4%提高到98.9%;化合物4于四氢呋喃(THF)中在氢化钠作用下与化合物6进行缩合反应,最后在MeONa醇解与碱作用下水解得到目标产物唾液酸酶检测剂X-Neu5Ac.该合成过程采用浓硫酸催化的方法得到化合物2,原料易得,操作更安全简单,避免了使用昂贵的树脂或者危险性很高的重氮甲烷.在酰氯反应中采用一锅法同时实现了乙酰基保护和氯代反应.另外,对关键中间体7的合成反应条件进行了单因素实验优化,获得了最佳合成条件:反应温度为室温(25℃),加入溶剂量为每g底物20 m L溶剂,反应时间为10 h.通过X-Neu5Ac活性成分的应用研究,发现检测所得产物的稳定性和显色灵敏性均达到要求.采用~1H NMR,ESI-MS和HPLC-MS对产物进行了结构表征.
对γ-分泌酶抑制剂(LY411575)的合成路线进行改进,新合成路线下该化合物的总收率为35%,比文献方法提高了16%;对关键中间体提前进行了手性拆分,从而使在制备最终产品的后3步反应中用到的原料减少了50%,降低了反应成本和最终产品的纯化难度.另外,对拆分过程中的主要因子进行了单因素实验,考察了各因素对产品的e.e.值和反应收率的影响.获得了最佳反应条件:D-(+)-二对甲基苯甲酰酒石酸为拆分试剂,甲醇作溶剂,加热到回流溶解,加入的溶剂量为每g底物12 m L,从回流降到室温所用时间控制在120 min,拆分的收率为40%,e.e.值为99%.