1 引言目前,工作站性能大幅度提高,高速网络技术日益成熟,工作站网络(NOW,Network Of Workstations)得到迅猛的发展。但随着网络环境日趋大规模化,传统方式下基于节点的调度方式显然已不能适应,因为随着节点数目的增多不仅管理更加复杂,而且系统开销也将增加很多,所以我们提出层次调度方式。
We illustrate MediaCoKit,a multimedia collaborative system development toolkit,in this paper. The collaborative system,developed with MediaCoKit, has a friendly GUI and a good accessibility for users. And group awareness is supported in terms of multimedia presentation,the presentation including both video and audio media. We discuss the key issues of the toolkit such as data sharing object,multimedia components,workspace awareness and then detail its implementation.