野黄瓜(Cucum is hystrix,2n=24)为短日照植物,因其与栽培黄瓜(C.sativus,2n=14)花期不遇等杂交障碍的存在而使种间杂交难以顺利进行。对野黄瓜短光照处理40 d以上,使得两者花期相遇,成功地进行了野黄瓜与3种不同基因型栽培黄瓜(“二早子”、“长春密刺”和“NC4406”)的正反杂交,从中获得了3种杂交组合的幼胚。采用改良的方法对这3种基因型杂种胚进行胚胎拯救,再生频率达80%以上,其杂种的真实性通过植物学性状观察、体细胞染色体计数和天冬氨酸转氨酶(AAT)同工酶分析得到了证实。研究中还发现不同基因型杂种F1的育性存在明显差异,其中以C.hystrixדNC4406”育性最高,花粉可染率达23.3%,是在二倍体水平上进行育种利用的良好材料。
[Objective] The aim of the study was to make research on genomic struc- ture variation and variety analysis of Dongxiang wild rice. [Method] Introgression groups of BC1F6 were based on donor of Oryza rufipogon Griff. and receptor of O. sativa sp. indica Kate. Strains of 239 in the group were analyzed on Polymor- phism with the help of 25 couples of SSR primers distributed in 12 pairs of chromo- somes. [Result] Gene fragments of O. rufipogon Griff. were found penetrated in the 25 microsatellite sites and most of the groups kept the parents of Xieqinzao B or DNA sequence of O. rufipogon Griff. The average rate of recurrent homozygous bands was 78.13% in the ILs, but the highest was 94.98% (amplified by primer RM131) and the lowest was 60.25% (RM171). The average rate of donor homozy- gous bands was 13.37%, but the highest was 32.64% (RM171) and the lowest was 2.93% (RM1095). There were numerous heterozygous sites in the population and the average heterozygosis rate was 5.62%, while the highest was 10.04%(RM401). Moreover, we found some parental fragments were lost and some novel fragments were not detected in either parent in BC1F6 population. The average rate of lost bands was 2.88%, while the highest was 13.39% (RM311) and the lowest was 0 (RM401). The average rate of new bands was 1%. The average of Nei's gene di- versity (He) and Shannon's Information index (I) were 0.276 and 0.457 respectively in high generation of introgression lines. [Conclusion] The study demonstrated that distant hybridization led to extensive genetic and epigenetic variations in high gener- ation of introgression lines, which expanded the base of genetic variation and laid an important foundation for rice improvement and germplasm innovation.
[Objective] The aim of this study was to analyze the cytoplasmic male sterile line 21A and its maintainer line 21B of peppers by AFLP,and lay the foundation for further studies on molecular mechanism of the cytoplasmic male sterility in peppers.[Method] Cytoplasmic male sterility(CMS)line 21A and its maintainer line 21B were analyzed by AFLP to obtain the specific amplified fragments of cytoplasmic male sterile line 21A,while the specific amplified fragments were recovered or sequenced,and analyzed by BLAST...