The vacuum ultraviolet photoionization spectrum of Si(CH3)2Cl2 has been obtained with synchrotron radiation source. The adiabatic iomzation potential of Si(CHa)2Cl2 is 10.62±0.03eV (0.37eV lower than reported by PES), and the appearance potentials for Si(CH3)Cl2, Si(CH3)2Cl+, SiCH3+ and SiCl+ are 11.25±0.03eV,12.69±0.04eV, 15. 1±0.1eV and 21.16eV±0.1eV respectively. From these results, we estimate D(Si(CH3)Cl2+-CH3)=0.631±0.03eV and D(Si(CH3)2Cl+-Cl))=2.07±0.04eV.
The kinetic processes of the photoionization and dissociation of 4H-furan have been investigated by using synchrontron radiation. The IP of 4H-furan and APs of other lons are gotten from the spectra,the possible channels of dissociative photoionization have been annalyzed. A serices of stable clusters composed of (THF)n. (H2O)n-2H+ (n=2,3,4,5) are present in the MS and the possible structures of the clusters are given.
The 6H-pyridine clusters have been studied by the TOF mass spectrometry,the VUV from synchrotron rediation and the molecular beam technique three-type clusters are observed in the VUV photoionization mass spectroscopy: Pn+(n=2-5,P stands for6H-pyridine molecule), PnH+ (n=2-4) and Pn (H2O)m+(n=4,5, m=1;n=6, m=1,2). ThePnH+ clusters may have the chain structure,the Pn+ and Pn(H2O)m+ clusters may havethe cyclic structures, all of these are formed by the hydrogen-bond.
HeI photoelectron spectrum of B(OCH3)3 is presented in this paper. The assignment of the spectrum has been also done by an analysis of the intensity of the spectrum bands and the optimized MNDO molecular orbital calculation on B(OCH3)3 molecule. The split showing a 1.08eV of the bands at the lowest two ionization potentials (IPs) was assigned to the Jahn-Teller split of the doubly degenerate oxygen lone-pair orbitals. And the splits showing 0.42eV and 0.38eV on the above-mentioned hands were considered as the result of spin-orbital interaction. Therefore the this PES study provides an exceedirlgly experimental example to testify the Jahn-Teller effect and the spin-orbital interaction splitting.