肺硬化性血管瘤(Sclerosing hemagioma of thelungSHL),是一种少见的肺内良性肿瘤,在临床诊断中极易与肺炎性假瘤,肺泡细胞癌和类癌等发生混淆,从而造成误诊。本文结合我院11例具有完整的影像学检查和手术病理资料的肺硬化性血管瘤,综合文献分析报道如下,以期提高对本病的认识,减少误诊率。
OBJECTIVE: To study the factors affecting the long-term prognosis of patients with myasthenia gravis (MG) after thymectomy. METHODS: 170 MG patients who had undergone thymectomies were studied retrospectively. Among them, 124 patients received long-term follow-up for more than 40 months postoperatively. The COX regression analysis model was used to analyze the factors that may influence the long-term prognosis. These factors included thymus pathology, patient gender, age, duration of disease at the time of surgery, preoperative Osserman classification and medication. RESULTS: The research showed that thymus pathology was the single independent factor that affected the postoperative long-term prognosis. The long-term survival rates differed significantly with thymus pathological types: hyperplasia > benign thymoma > atrophy > malignant thymoma (P