Kreuze et al(.2009)发现病毒特异的小RNA(small RNA,sRNA)为多拷贝的重叠序列,推测可通过深度测序技术获得病毒的大量sRNA序列,经拼接和比对分析后能高效鉴定病毒种类。目前,利用sRNA深度测序技术已在作物和昆虫上发现多种病毒(Liu et al.,2011;He et al.,2015)。2013年本课题组在葡萄病害调查过程中发现,伊犁州部分地区的葡萄在种植4-5年后,叶片黄化、变小,整个植株矮化.
41 fungal isolates with similar morphological characteristics to Leptosphaeria maculans were obtained by the deep-freezing filter paper method from 2100 seeds of Brassica napus imported from Australia.The isolate 8129-5 showed a slower growth on PDA at 20℃with growth rate of 2.8 mm/day.The colonies on PDA at 20℃ had an irregular or regular margin with white or grayish white compact aerial mycelium.No diffusible pigment was produced on PDA at 31℃ or in liquid Czapek-Dox media at 20℃.PCR detection showed that the isolate 8129-5 could be amplified by L.maculans-specific primers LmacF/LmacR and got expected product of 331 bp.The sequence analysis revealed that the ITS sequence of isolate 8129-5 had 99.8% identity with L.maculans.Pathogenicity of the isolate 8129-5 was confirmed on cotyledons of rape seed by artificial inoculation compared with typical symptom of L.maculans.Based on the morphological characteristics,PCR detection and the result of pathogenicity test,the isolate 8129-5 was identified as L.maculans.