Objective,Used the TG/DTA curves and XRD patterns to identify five kinds of free anthraquinones.Method,The thermograms,differential thermograms and X-ray powder diffraction patterns were obtained by thermal analyzer and X-ray powder diffraction analyzer.Result,By analyzing the TG/DTA curves and XRD patterns of the free anthraquinones(Rhein,Emodin,Aloe-emodin,Chrysophanol and Physcion)from Rheum,the results showed that they had the similar TG curves,however,due to the substituents attached on the 1.8-dihydric anthraquinones are different,every sample had different weight lose.All the DTA curves of free anthraquinones had two obviously characteristic peaks,but there were obviously differences on curvilinear shapes,peak location and peak values.The X-ray powder diffraction patterns of free anthraquinones have their own characteristic and very obvious.Conclusion: According to the differences in the thermal and XRD properties of five free anthraquinones,the kind of free anthraquinones could be easily identified and they can be used as correspondence free anthraquinones’s characteristic fingerprint patterns.
筛选ZTC澄清剂对黄姜总皂苷提取液的澄清条件。实验通过ZTC澄清剂A、B的加入顺序、用量、温度、作用时间为影响因素,在单因素分析的基础上应用正交实验设计优化了澄清条件。得出黄姜总皂苷提取液的最佳澄清条件如下:ZTC1+1澄清剂的加入顺序是先加入ZTC组分B再加入ZTC组分A;澄清剂B和A的最佳用量为1.2 g/L和0.6 g/L;加入组分A或B后,在80℃下作用20 m in即可达到澄清除杂的目的。