For recent years, with the rapid development in information technology centered on multimedia techniques, multimedia approach to education has become a hot issue. As to what exactly multimedia approach to education means, opinions vary according to different understandings and different views. As the knowledge-based society is impending, governments of many countries are seeking ways to accelerate their educational reform and promote the quality of their education through information technology. Hence the contradicting and confronting lying in the different views on different understandings of multimedia approach to education have been further intensified. The author of this article, with her reference to literature at home and abroad, in connection with practices in the field in China, makes a longitudinal survey of the developing course of multimedia approach to education. She studies the characteristics of different stages and analyzes the notional changes in succession in the concept of "multimedia". Based on her analysis, she discusses the specific features of contemporary multimedia approach to education. The article is made up of four parts with discussions on four stages: audiovisual stage, stage of CAI; early stage of combination of multimedia and present stage. The first two parts were published in the last issue of this journal. This abstract is of the last two parts published in this issue. The article holds that the difference between the early stage of combination of multimedia and present stage lies in the later, which makes multimedia integrated into one synthetic system, complementary to each other in functions and attributes. In this integrated system of teaching, the equipment feature of a single medium waned away, while the attribute nature waxes gradually. Hence, the system of multimedia approach implies at least two notions. One lies in a variety of ways of presentation such as slides, audiotapes, movies etc, while the other is the multiple channels of stimuli the system can offer: pictures,