In this study, 8 kinds of desiccation models and 3 kinds of collection models were studied for banana stems. The results showed that the crushing-com- pression-air drying processing model showed the best desiccation effect for banana stems. Under this desiccation model, the moisture content was reduced from 90.5% to 19.93% with weight reduced by 75.2%; after 3 to 6 months of storage, the mois- ture content was still remained within 17%-20%, and the volume was decreased to 30%-40% of the original volume of fresh banana stems. This desiccation model made banana stems basically meet the requirements by drying storage. The plant- cutting down-crushing-compression-transportation-desiccation-storage production model was initially developed for desiccation and collection of banana stems, which would lay a certain foundation for the utilization of banana stem resource by enterprises.