In this paper authors treated two hundred and thirty-eight cases of disease of cervical, lumbar vertebrae by acupuncture and moxlbustibn at the Jiajl points, and forty-three were treated by slmpleacupuncture as control. The result showed that cure rate of treatment group was 70. 59%, improvement rate 29. 41 %, the cure rate of control group was 44. 19%, improvement rate was 41. 86 %Comparing the treatment group with the control group, P < 0 .01, there was marked difference between them. The results showed that this method had better effectiveness on the disease of cervical,lumbar
The effect of 32 patients with rheumatoid arthritis treated with "Shan Ci Zhong Jiu" quick puncture and strong moxibustoin was reported. It draws a conclusion that Zhong Jiu is a key to the therapyin cooperation with the method of regulating the points so as to connect the interior and exterior of thebody, and to circulate Qi and