Dissociative photoionization of 1,2-epoxyoctane was investigated by synchrotron radiation vacuum ultraviolet photons in the energy region of 9.8-16.6 eV under ultrasonic molec-ular beam. Dissociative fragment ions were measured with reffection time-of-ight mass spectrometer at di erent photon energies. Appearance potentials of the dominative ion fragments were determined through photoionization efficiency curves. The structures and energies of the parent, ionized and neutral radicals were obtained with G3 calculations. Through comparing the experimental results with the theoretical calculations, we proposed the dissociative channels for the photoionization of 1,2-epoxyoctane.
基于第三代同步辐射光源,在20 ke V的入射X射线能量下测量了NO与C2H2分子的康普顿轮廓.考虑到本次实验结果在pz≈0附近的统计精度达到了0.2%,本文报道的NO和C2H2的康普顿轮廓可以作为严格检验理论的实验基准.除此之外,还分别采用HF方法及密度泛函方法选用不同的基组计算了NO与C2H2康普顿轮廓.通过对比实验结果与理论计算,发现对于NO分子,加入弥散函数基组理论计算结果与实验符合更好,说明NO分子基态的电子分布较为弥散.对于C2H2分子,HF方法理论计算的结果与实验符合较好.