Objective To compare the clinical therapeutic effects on scapulohumeral periarthritis between kinetic acupuncture on the distal points of the affected meridians and shoulder three-needle therapy.Methods Fifty cases of scapulohumeral periarthritis were randomly divided into an observation group and a control group,25 cases for each.The cases in observation group were treated with kinetic acupuncture on the distal points of the affected meridians.For example,the case of Hand-Taiyin type was treated with Yújì (鱼际 LU 10) and the case of Hand-Yangming type was treated with Hégǔ (合谷 LI 4),etc.The cases in control group were treated with shoulder three-needle therapy,in which,Jiānqián (肩前 Extral),Jiānyú (肩髃 LI 15) and Jiānliáo (肩髎 TE 14) were selected;7 days of treatment made one session,totally 2 sessions were required.Results In observation group,the curative rate based on ROM of shoulder joint was 72.0% (18/25),which was superior to that of 40.0% (10/25) in control group (P0.05).After treatment,the improvements of McGill SF-MPQ score,VAS and PPI in observation group were all superior to those in control group (all P0.05).Conclusion The kinetic acupuncture on the distal points of the affected meridians is advantageous at analgesia and motor improvements of shoulder joint in treatment of scapulohumeral periarthritis as compared with shoulder three-needle therapy.
Objective To observe the effect of electroacupuncture (EA) on learning and memory abilities and expression of N-methyI-D-aspartate receptor subunit (NR2B) in prefrontal cortex in morphine-withdrawal rats and to investigate the molecular biological mechanisms. Methods Thirty-six male SD rats were randomly divided into four groups, namely control group (group A), model group (group B), model with acupuncture group (group C) and model with electroacupunture group (group D), with 9 in each group. All rats except those in group A were subcutaneously injected with morphine hydrochloride injectio on the back with daily dosage increased day by day. Naloxone was given 3 h after the last injection to establish the models of morphinewithdrawal rats. After the models were established, the rats were treated with acupuncture and electroacupuncture respectively at bilateral "Shenshu" (肾俞 BL 23) and "Zusanli" (足三里 ST 36) for 15 min per time, once daily for 6 days. Space learning and memory abilities of the rats were measured by Morris water maze, and protein and gene expression levels of NR2B in prefrontal cortex were measured by Western Blot and RT-PCR. Results In place navigation test, the escape latency in group B, group C and group D was significantly prolonged compared with that of group A (P〈0.01), the escape latency in group C and group D was significantly shortened compared with that of group B (P〈0.01) and the escape latency in group D was significantly shortened compared with that of group C (P〈0.05); during spatial probe test, the number of times crossing the platform of group B, group C and group D decreased compared with that of group A (P〈0.01), and compared with group B, the number of times crossing the platform of group C increased and the number of group D significantly increased (P〈0.01). Decreased protein expression level of NR2B was found in group B when compared with that of group A (P〈0.01), increased protein expression le
目的:探讨眶内电针疗法对糖尿病性外展神经麻痹的疗效及影响疗效的因素。方法:选择65例单眼糖尿病外展神经麻痹患者,采用眶内电针治疗,眼部取穴以外展神经所支配的外直肌肌腹的体表投影为针刺部位,配合远端取同侧外关、风池穴,眶内、眶外相邻两针连同一组电极,1.5 m A,1.5 Hz,电刺激40 min。每日1次,10次为一疗程。共观察8个疗程。治疗期间所有患者给予基础降糖药物控制血糖。于治疗前、后分别记录患者双眼移动距离差值、最大水平复视角度,观察二者变化趋势及相关性;统计临床疗效,并分析治疗次数、年龄、性别、病程以及伴随高血压、高血脂、脑梗死等疾病对疗效的影响。结果:65例糖尿病外展神经麻痹患者痊愈46例,有效15例,无效4例,痊愈率为70.8%,总有效率为93.8%。双眼移动距离差值于第1疗程后显著下降,随后逐渐接近正常;最大水平复视角度则随疗程增加缓慢下降,经Spearman相关分析二者变化趋势呈正相关(均P<0.01)。疗效与治疗次数呈正相关(P<0.01),而与患者年龄、性别、病程及高血压、高血脂、脑梗死等相关性不显著。结论:眶内电针可改善糖尿病性外展神经麻痹患者眼球活动受限和复视症状,且治疗过程中眼球活动受限先于复视症状恢复。治疗次数对疗效有显著影响,年龄、性别、病程以及高血压、高血脂、脑梗死等伴随疾病对疗效影响不显著。