[Objective] The present study was conducted to evaluate the cold resis-tance of four cherry cultivars under different chil ing stresses. [Method] Four cultivars of Cerasus, Early-mahapphala, Red light, Lapins and Kashgar Kukan were selected as the experimental materials, and the changes of the relative electric conductivity (REC), proline (PRO) content, malondialdehyde (MDA) content, superoxide dismu-tase (SOD) activity and peroxidase (POD) activity of dormant branches of the four cherry cultivars under low temperature stress were investigated. [Result] The REC of the four cherry cultivars was Kashgar kukan 〉 Red light 〉 Early-mahapphala 〉Lapins, while the MDA content was Kashgar kukan 〉 Early-mahapphala 〉 Red light 〉Lapins, both showed a rising trend in the four cultivars with the aggravating of the low temperature stress. The PRO content, POD and SOD activities of al cultivars were precisely contrary to their REC and MDA content, as al of them exhibited a sequence as Lapins 〉 Red light 〉 Early-mahapphala 〉 Kashgar kukan in al culti-vars, and got a trend of first rising and then declining. [Conclusion] Therefore, our final evaluation of cold resistance of the four cherry cultivars was Lapins 〉 Red light 〉 Early-mahapphala 〉 Kashgar kukan.
对新疆7个句句梨品种的叶片、枝条、花器官、果实及种子形态学特征进行观测,采用主成分分析及及聚类分析对指标进行相关分析。摸清新疆的句句梨品种植物形态学特征差异,为研究品种的保存和利用提供数据基础。结果表明:7个句句梨品种的叶片性状中叶尖形状变异程度最大,幼叶颜色、叶缘、裂刻、刺芒、叶背茸毛及托叶不存在变异。枝条性状中一年生枝颜色的变异系数(Coefficient of variation,CV)最大,为68.00%;针刺无变异。花器官性状中柱头位置CV最大,达87.00%;花瓣数、花柱基部茸毛不存在变异。果实性状中果实形状、果实底色、梗洼深度及萼洼状态CV均超过50.00%,变异程度较高。种子性状中种子形状CV最大,为50.00%。供试梨品种形态学差异主要由以下因子构成:叶片形状因子、果实外观因子、种子质量因子、果实形状因子、种子形状因子、雄蕊因子、雌蕊因子。当距离为10时,‘霍城句句梨’与‘伊犁红句句梨’聚为一组,相似度最大。‘黄句句梨’与‘阿克苏句句梨’聚为一组;‘轮台句句梨’,‘句句梨’及‘褐色句句梨’聚为一组。聚类显示,三个组的品种分别来自伊犁州、阿克苏地区、巴州及库车,地理划分明显。综上所述,7个句句梨品种果实特征间的差异最大,根据形态特征聚类结果可以被划分为3个地理居群。