本文调研了国际标准化组织(International Organization for Standardization,ISO)“术语、其他语言与内容资源技术委员会”(ISO/TC37)的研究范围与组织架构,并对ISO/TC37各分技术委员会的研究内容和研制的具体标准做了介绍,为术语及语言交换标准的研究者们提供参考.
There is the deviation on the understanding of acupuncture "safety" in healthcare research and the development of international standards. How to interpret and contextualize the "safety" is the point to break through it. In the aspects of contextual elements and stakeholders, using the literature reviews and theoretic approach, the concept of "safety" is attempted to be specified and the differences between health care research and international standard development to be discussed. The article aims to outline the general conceptual framework of "safety". Consequently, an approach is explored to the term-based analysis in acupuncture international standard development.