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为探究烟嘧磺隆和氟乐灵对三种自由生纤毛虫种群生长的影响,本实验以扇形游仆虫(Euplotes vannus)、海洋尾丝虫(Uronema marinum)、肉色伪角毛虫(Pseudokeronopsis carnea)为研究对象,研究在不同药物浓度下其种群内禀生长率、世代时间以及种群密度的变化。研究表明:10.0 mg/L的烟嘧磺隆和10.0 mg/L的氟乐灵对扇形游仆虫的种群生长的抑制作用最明显。烟嘧磺隆和氟乐灵的作用浓度分别为6.5和5.5 mg/L时,海洋尾丝虫的最大种群密度显著低于对照组,分别为(7.87±1.11)×10^(5) ind./L和(1.37±0.23)×10^(6) ind./L,种群生长受到显著抑制,海洋尾丝虫实验组的种群内禀生长率和世代时间与对照组相比差异极显著(P<0.01)。随着烟嘧磺隆和氟乐灵作用浓度的升高,肉色伪角毛虫的种群内禀生长率呈下降趋势,世代时间呈上升趋势。研究结果表明,三种纤毛虫中受烟嘧磺隆影响最明显的是海洋尾丝虫,受氟乐灵影响最明显的是肉色伪角毛虫,在高浓度下,两种药物均明显抑制了三种纤毛虫的种群生长。
New insights and investigation:Morphomolecular notes on the infraciliature,taxonomy,and systematics of pleurostomatid ciliates(Protozoa,Ciliophora),with establishment of a new suborder,two new genera,and three new species
Pleurostomatid ciliates,as a highly diverse and widely distributed unicellular eukaryote group,play a crucial role in the cycling of nutrients and energy in microbial food webs.However,research on pleurostomatids remains insufficient,resulting in a paucity of molecular information and substantial gaps in knowledge of their phylogenetic relationships.In recent years,we investigated pleurostomatid diversity in various Chinese habitats,including their systematic relationships and taxonomic circumscriptions,which were comprehensively analyzed using an integrative morphomolecular approach.Results revealed that:(1)pleurostomatids can be categorized into two suborders,Protolitonotina subord.nov.and Amphileptina Jankowski,1967;(2)Protolitonotina subord.nov.represents the ancestral pleurostomatid group and includes two genera,Protolitonotus and Heterolitonotus gen.nov.,characterized by right kineties progressively shortened along rightmost full kineties and absence of a left dorsolateral kinety;(3)Heterolitonotus gen.nov.represents an orphan lineage and is defined by an oral slit extending to its dorsal margin;(4)“Protolitonotus clampi”does not group with congeners but instead represents an orphan lineage,thus Novilitonotus gen.nov.is established to which P.clampi is transferred as Novilitonotus clampi comb.nov.;(5)three new species,Apoamphileptus paraclaparedii sp.nov.,Heterolitonotus rex gen.nov.,sp.nov.,and Loxophyllum apohelus sp.nov.,are described;and(6)helices 21es6a to 21es6d within the V4 region of small subunit ribosomal RNA(SSU rRNA)may serve as a useful tool for discriminating pleurostomatids.The evolutionary relationships among all main lineages of pleurostomatids are discussed and a key to the identification of pleurostomatid genera is provided.
Gong-Ao-Te ZhangTeng-Yue ZhangYong ChiHong-Bo PanZhe ZhangJia-Chen ZhangJun-Hua NiuHong-Gang MaKhaled A.S.Al-RasheidAlan WarrenWei-Bo Song
The genome-wide meiotic recombination landscape in ciliates and its implications for crossover regulation and genome evolution被引量:1
Meiotic recombination is essential for sexual reproduction and its regulation has been extensively studied in many taxa.However,genome-wide recombination landscape has not been reported in ciliates and it remains unknown how it is affected by the unique features of ciliates:the synaptonemal complex(SC)-independent meiosis and the nuclear dimorphism.Here,we show the recombination landscape in the model ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila by analyzing single-nucleotide polymorphism datasets from 38 hybrid progeny.We detect 1021 crossover(CO)events(35.8 per meiosis),corresponding to an overall CO rate of 9.9 cM/Mb.However,gene conversion by non-crossover is rare(1.03 per meiosis)and not biased towards G or C alleles.Consistent with the reported roles of SC in CO interference,we find no obvious sign of CO interference.CO tends to occur within germ-soma common genomic regions and many of the 44 identified CO hotspots localize at the centromeric or subtelomeric regions.Gene ontology analyses show that CO hotspots are strongly associated with genes responding to environmental changes.We discuss these results with respect to how nuclear dimorphism has potentially driven the formation of the observed recombination landscape to facilitate environmental adaptation and the sharing of machinery among meiotic and somatic recombination.
Lu FuChen GuKazufumi MochizukiJie XiongWei MiaoGuangying Wang
利用活体观察及现代染色方法对采集自陕西和广西的三个腹毛亚纲纤毛虫中国新记录种及一个罕见种——阿氏澳纤虫Australocirrus aspoecki(罕见种)、寡毛侧毛虫Pleurotricha oligocirrata、陆生陆生半小双虫Hemiamphisiella terricola terricola和藓生拟列虫Paraholosticha muscicola的形态学特征进行了研究并与以往报道种群做了详细的比较。研究发现:(1)阿氏澳纤虫个体大小小于以往报道种群,小核、背触毛列、口围带小膜,左右缘棘毛数目均少于以往报道种群;(2)寡毛侧毛虫的中国种群比已报道的韩国种群的口围带小膜数目少,但额腹棘毛数略多;(3)陆生陆生半小双虫中国种群形态特征与前人报道的奥地利种群(模式种群)和澳大利亚种群比较接近,与斐济种群的小双虫棘毛列棘毛数、右腹棘毛列棘毛数、左缘棘毛数和右缘棘毛数差异较大;(4)藓生拟列虫的中国种群的形态统计数据与以往报道种群有较大差异,但活体特征差异较小。研究同时提供了以上4个物种的SSU rDNA序列,并与同物种其他种群、同属物种及分子亲缘种进行了序列相似性和核苷酸差异数目的比较。研究为中国腹毛亚纲纤毛虫的多样性、形态资源和种质资源的记录进行了积累和补充。
Taxonomy of Two New Peritrich Ciliates(Protozoa:Ciliophora)from Inland Saltwaters of China
The inland saltwater lakes harbor exceptional biodiversity.Here,two new species of solitary sessile peritrich ciliates were isolated from Qinghai Lake,the largest inland saltwater lake in China.Their morphology,ciliature,silverline system,and molecular phylogeny were investigated based on live observation,silver staining,and analysis of the small subunit ribosomal DNA(SSU rDNA).Vorticella paraglobosa sp.n.is characterized mainly by its obconical or elongate bell-shaped zooid,C-shaped macronucleus,single ventrally located contractile vacuole,two-rowed infundibular polykinety 3,and 28-38 silverlines between peristome and aboral tro-chal band and 10-15 between aboral trochal band and scopula.Vorticella cotyliformis sp.n.differs from its congeners mainly by its double-layered peristomial lip,cup-shaped zooid,J-shaped macronucleus,single ventrally positioned contractile vacuole,three-rowed infundibular polykinety 3,and 70-85 silverlines between peristome and aboral trochal band and 21-25 between aboral trochal band and scopula.The SSU rDNA sequences of the two new species were obtained,and the subsequent molecular phylogenetic analysis supported their taxonomic classification.
YU YingZHANG YongLIANG ZiyaoLI JiqiuLIN Xiaofeng
Exploring the biogeography,morphology,and phylogeny of the condylostomatid ciliates(Alveolata,Ciliophora,Heterotrichea),with establishment of four new Condylostoma species and a revision including redescriptions of five species found in China
Species of the ciliate class Heterotrichea Stein,1859 are a cosmopolitan group of unicellular eukaryotic microorganisms,many of which have been widely used as models in various fields of research such as regenerative biology,functional ecol-ogy,environmental toxicology,and symbiotic behavior.However,species identification in the heterotrich family Condylos-tomatidae,especially the most species-rich and type genus Condylostoma Bory de Saint-Vincent,1824,remains challenging due to incomplete original descriptions,few reliable distinguishing characters,and overlapping features between different species.This study presents an updated revision of Condylostoma and its related genus Condylostomides da Silva Neto,1994 based on descriptions of five species,including nine populations collected from China,using both morphological and molecular methods.The main findings are as follows:(1)43 nominal species and about 130 populations are reviewed,result-ing in the recognition of 30 valid species of Condylostoma and eight valid species of Condylostomides;(2)keys,synonyms,biogeographic distributions and amended/improved diagnoses of all valid species are provided;(3)based on the available data,four new Condylostoma species(C.marinum sp.nov.,C.petzi sp.nov.,C.villeneuvei sp.nov.,and C.microstomum sp.nov.),one new combination(Condylostomides minimus(Dragesco,1954)comb.nov.&nom.corr.),and two corrected names(Condylostoma ancestrale Villeneuve-Brachon,1940 nom.corr.and Condylostomides nigrus(Dragesco,1960)nom.corr.)are suggested;(4)cryptic species are detected and proposed for the first time to form the Condylostoma curvum spe-cies complex;(5)three highly confusing Condylostoma species,C.kris,C.spatiosum,and C.minutum,are redefined for the first time based on modern taxonomic methods;(6)a‘flagship’species,Condylostomides coeruleus,is recorded for the first time from the continent of Asia,substantially expanding its biogeography;(7)ciliature adjacent to the distal end of the paroral membrane within the family Condylostomatidae is
Yong ChiFan WeiDanxu TangChangjun MuHonggang MaZhe WangKhaled A.SAl-RasheidHunter N.HinesXiangrui Chen
Morphology and molecular phylogeny of four epibiotic ciliates(Ciliophora,Peritrichia)from farmed red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii Girard,1852,with notes on the geographic distributions of related taxa
Aquaculture of red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii is an emerging farming industry in China.As shown recently,one of the most significant diseases affecting the red swamp crayfish is caused by overabundance of epibiotic peritrichs,a group of ciliated protists that are commonly found living as epibionts on aquatic animals.Nevertheless,few studies focusing on this issue have been performed.As part of a faunal study carried out in the Lake Weishan Wetland,China,four colonial sessilid peritrichs,namely Epicarchesium granulatum,Epistylis bimarginata,Epistylis semiciculus,and Zoothamnium procerius,attached to P.clarkii are documented.For each species,redescriptions and improved diagnoses are supplied.As a further aid to identification,14 new rDNA sequences of these four and a closely related species were obtained.In addition,as an aid for future studies on epibiotic ciliates,we supply a list and information about recent integrative studies that document the geographic distributions of related taxa.
Tong WuYuan LiBorong LuDanxu TangShijing ZhangYan LiuYa WangXiao CaoSaleh A.Al-FarrajAlan WarrenWeibo SongZhe Wang


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研究主题:浮游植物 珠江口 浮游动物 初级生产力 赤潮
研究主题:微藻 摄食 浮游植物 浮游动物 赤潮
研究主题:初级生产力 珠江口 浮游植物 赤潮 南海北部
研究主题:浮游植物 浮游动物 营养盐 群落结构 夏季