搜索到172篇“ COESITE“的相关文章
Water in coesite at realistic temperatures of subduction zones
As a key index mineral to the ultra-high pressure(UHP) metamorphism,coesite did not always survive the exhumat...
Wei YanXi Liu
A first-principles study of helium diffusion in quartz and coesite under high pressure up to 12GPa被引量:1
Helium diffusion in mantle minerals is crucial for understanding mantle structure and the dynamic processes of Earth's degassing.In this paper,we report helium incorporation and the mechanism of its diffusion in perfect crystals of quartz and coesite.The diffusion pathways,activation energies(Ea),and frequency factors of helium under ambient and high pressure conditions were calculated using Density Functional Theory(DFT)and the climbing image nudged elastic band(CI-NEB)method.The calculated diffusive coefficients of He in the quartz in different orientations are:D[100]=1.24×10^(−6)exp.(−26.83 kJ/mol/RT)m^(2)/s D[010]=1.11×10^(−6)exp.(−31.60 kJ/mol/RT)m^(2)/s.and in the coesite:D[100]=3.00×10^(−7)exp.(−33.79 kJ/mol/RT)m^(2)/s D[001]=2.21×10^(−6)exp.(−18.33 kJ/mol/RT)m^(2)/s.The calculated results indicate that diffusivity of helium is anisotropic in both quartz and coesite and that the degree of anisotropy is much more pronounced in coesite.Helium diffusion behavior in coesite under high pressures was investigated.The activation energies increased with pressure:Ea[100]increased from 33.79 kJ/mol to 58.36 kJ/mol,and Ea[001]increased from 18.33 kJ/mol to 48.87 kJ/mol as pressure increased from0 GPa to 12 GPa.Our calculations showed that helium is not be quantitatively retained in silica at typical surface temperatures on Earth,which is consistent with the findings from previous studies.These results have implications for discussion of the Earth's mantle evolution and for recognition thermal histories of ultra-high pressure(UHP)metamorphic terranes.
Hong LiuLingling WangShuchen LiYaochun YangHua TianFengxia SunChaowen XuLei LiuYi LiYueju CuiYing LiJijun Zhao
Water in coesite: Incorporation mechanism and operation condition,solubility and P-T dependence, and contribution to water transport and coesite preservation被引量:3
A series of coesite,coexisting with or without a liquid phase,was synthesized in the nominal system SiO2-H2O at800-1450℃and 5 GPa.Micro-Raman spectroscopy was used to identity the crystalline phase,electron microprobe and LA-ICP-MS were employed to quantity some major and trace elements,and unpolarized FTIR spectroscopy was applied to probe the different types of hydrogen defects,explore water-incorporation mechanisms and quantify water contents.Trace amounts of A1 and B were detected in the coesite.Combining our results with the results in the literatures,we have found no positive correlation between the Al contents and the"Al"-based hydrogen concentrations,suggesting that previously proposed hydrogen-incorporation mechanism H^++Al^3+■Si^4+does not function in coesite.In contrast,we have confirmed the positive correlation between the B contents and the B-based hydrogen concentrations.The hydrogen-incorporation mechanism H^++B3^+■Si^4+readily takes place in coesite at different P-T conditions,and significantly increases the water content at both liquid-saturated and liquid-undersaturated conditions.For the SiO2-H2O system,we have found that type-Ⅰhydrogarnet substitution plays a dictating role in incorporating water into coesite at liquid-saturated condition,type-II hydrogarnet substitution contributes significantly at nearly dry condition,and both operate at conditions in between.The water solubility of coesite,as dictated by the type-Ⅰhydrogarnet substitution,positively correlates with both P and T,cH2O=-105(30)+5.2(32)×P+0.112(26)×T,with cH2O in wt ppm,P in GPa and T in℃.Due to its low water solubility and small fraction in subducted slabs,coesite may contribute insignificantly to the vertical water transport in subduction zones.Furthermore,the water solubility of any coesite in exhuming ultra-high pressure metamorphic rocks should be virtually zero as coesite becomes metastable.With an adequately fast waterdiffusion rate,this metastable coesite should be completely dry,which may have been the ke
Wei YanYanyao ZhangYunlu MaMingyue HeLifei ZhangWeidong SunChristina Yan WangXi Liu
Experimental constraints on trace element partitioning between coesite and hydrous silicate melt at 5 GPa and 1500-1750℃
Trace element partitioning between coesite and hydrous silicate melt has been investigated at 5 GPa and 1500-1750℃.High-P experiments successfully produced large coesite crystals in equilibrium with large silicate melt pools(plus kyanite and corundum crystals in some cases).Scanning electron microscopy and micro-Raman spectroscopy were employed to characterize the phases and the textures.Wavelength-dispersive electron microprobe analyses were performed to quantify conventional major elements,and laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry analyses were successfully conducted to quantify trace elements.Eventually,high-P partition coefficients were obtained for 33 elements.In general coesite is a very pure phase.With a few possible exceptions like Sc,Ti,and V,nearly all other trace elements are incompatible in coesite.Moreover,the partitioning behaviors of nearly all trace elements except some 4+cations cannot be readily described by the lattice strain model,presumably implying a minor role for the cation size in the trace-element partitioning.Combining our experimental results with the results in the literature,some T and P effects on the element partitioning behavior have been observed:T seemingly has different effects on different trace elements,but P might negatively correlate with the partition coefficients in all cases.Due to its large modal fraction in some subducted materials such as the continental crustal material,coesite might play an important role in the distributions of some trace elements,Ti for example.
Wei YANXi LIUSaijun SUNWeidong SUNDan WU
利用金刚石压腔和同步辐射X射线衍射技术,对α-石英和柯石英在常温高压下的相变行为进行了研究。实验结果表明:α-石英在约23 GPa开始发生结构相变,在约44 GPa相变完成,直至59 GPa仍能观察到结晶态;柯石英在约22 GPa转变为柯石英-Ⅱ相,高于36 GPa时,继续发生结构转变,直至59 GPa仍有结晶态;氖气和氩气所提供的不同静水压条件对α-石英和柯石英的高压相变行为影响不大。实验结果为进一步厘清二氧化硅物相的压致相变行为和相变机制提供了实验支撑。
Coesite in metasediments from the Muzhaerte valley, southwestern Tianshan被引量:4
The sediments,including calcareous,siliciclastic and volcanoclastic,usually occupy>90%in volume of an accretionary complex and thus,if involved in subduction zones,their maximum return depths(i.e.,peak pressures)are fundamental to unravel the geodynamic processes during the convergence of plates[1].As a unique example of accreted complex returned from sub-arc depths(>90 km)worldwide.
Zeng LüLifei ZhangJi Yue
硬玉石英岩是一种稀少且与流体作用相关的变质岩,同时出露于高压或超高压洋壳和陆壳俯冲带中.通过对中国东部大别造山带中出露达50 km^2的含柯石英的超高压硬玉石英岩进行研究,综合全岩主微量元素、矿物Mg-O同位素和锆石学研究.结果表明,硬玉石英岩的原岩为古元古代TTG岩石,经历过弱化学风化和强物理风化作用,然后在三叠纪时期受到围岩富黑云母片麻岩分解脱水而产生的大量重Mg同位素流体交代,从而形成硬玉石英岩.考虑到这种受流体交代成因的硬玉石英岩在大别山广泛出露,表明其在三叠纪大陆深俯冲过程中存在着大规模的变质流体活动,这项研究首次报道了大陆俯冲带有大规模的流体活动存在,同时也挑战了传统观点认为的大陆俯冲带缺乏岛弧岩浆作用主要原因是缺乏足够量的流体活动.
First discovery of coesite in eclogite from East Kunlun, northwest China被引量:6
Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP)metamorphism plays important roles in continental dynamics.Understanding of this process has been enhanced by the discovery of coesite and micro-diamond from supracrustal rocks [1].Such UHP mineral inclusions provide unequivocal evidence that the least dense part of the lithosphere can be buried to 100-150km or more,and then returned to the surface.Coesite,an ultrahigh-pressure polymorph of SiO2stable above 2.7GPa at metamorphic temperatures,is one of the most important index minerals for UHP metamomhism [1,2].
Hengzhe BiShuguang SongJinlong DongLiming YangShengsheng QiMark B.Allen
从微观尺度研究结构水的分布状态可以为超高压变质岩的形成环境、构造演化动力学过程提供重要的依据.为探讨大别山地区超高压变质岩中"名义上无水矿物"(nominal anhydrous minerals,NAMs)结构水的分布特征、赋存状态与超微结构缺陷的关系,对大别山石马地区榴辉岩中的柯石英进行了傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析和第一性原理计算.FTIR研究表明柯石英主要吸收峰为(Ⅰ)3 561~3 580cm-1、(Ⅱ)3 433~3 462cm-1和(Ⅲ)3 412~3 425cm-1;柯石英颗粒结构水含量为15×10-6~52×10-6,平均值是32×10-6.第一性原理理论计算得到了柯石英(4H)Si和(AlH)Si复合缺陷超晶胞模型(2×1×1)的形成能分别是-4.92eV和-3.10eV;含氢缺陷模型计算结果得到3 526cm-1和3 198cm-1的拉曼峰与柯石英的合成实验结果基本符合.FTIR分析表明石马地区柯石英结构水含量具有不均一性;模拟计算得到(4H)Si复合缺陷模型比(AlH)Si有更低的复合缺陷形成能,有更加稳定的结构,柯石英结构水中(OH)4Si氢结合机制是优先模式,为实验研究提供理论依据.


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研究主题:物理演示实验 柯石英 物理实验 平行光管 分光计
研究主题:燃料电池 固相反应 阴极 固体氧化物燃料电池 阴极材料
研究主题:表面光电压谱 TIO 表面光伏 TIO2 表面光电压
研究主题:柯石英 高温高压 硅羟基 Α-方石英 鳞石英