搜索到27605篇“ COMPLICATION“的相关文章
Utero-Cutaneous Fistula after Caesarean Section Delivery: Diagnosis and Management of a Rare Complication
Utero-cutaneous fistula following cesarean section is a rare occurrence. We present the case of a 34-year-old woman who presented to our department four years after her second cesarean section with a history of pain and blood discharge from a previous Pfannenstiel incision, during menstruation, with an absence of vaginal menstrual flow. Despite a prior surgical repair operation, her symptoms persisted. A pelvic MRI was done to confirm the diagnosis of utero-cutaneous fistula, and surgical management was pursued. This case report aims to contribute to the existing literature on utero-cutaneous fistula and provide insights into the diagnostic considerations and management strategies for this rare complication.
Aalaa A. Wahab MarzooqMaryam Mohamed MahmoodHiba Moayad SaeedRabab Mustafa Mohamed Khalafalla
Pyomyoma as a Complication of Uterine Artery Embolization (A Case Report)
Pyomoyoma is a rare complication of Uterine Artery Embolization (UAE). This case report reflects on this condition. A 45-year-old female, a known case of adenomyosis, presented with intermittent fever and foul vaginal discharge. These symptoms occurred shortly after the patient underwent UAE for menorrhagia secondary to adenomyosis. Computed tomography scan of the abdomen and pelvis aided in the diagnosis of Pyomyoma secondary to UAE. After a trial of broad spectrum antibiotics and Suction and Evacuation of the uterus had little to no help in the patient’s condition, she underwent Total Abdominal Hysterectomy in which a big, organized pus collection was removed from the uterus. Conclusion: Pyomyoma should be considered in the differentials for patients presenting with fever and vaginal discharge post UAE.
Abrar TooqLayla RafeeiNusrat KaziSafa HussainMohamed Al-TabbanMariam Mahmood
Isolated Third Nerve Cranial Palsy: Complication of Brain Aneurysm
This case report highlights a critical and emergent condition, isolated third nerve cranial palsy due to a brain aneurysm. It emphasizes the importance of differential diagnosis and attentiveness to the physical exam in an emergency setting. The detailed progression from initial symptoms and misinterpretation to final diagnosis offers valuable insight into the dangers of overlooking critical diagnoses. A bilobed intracranial aneurysm arising from the internal carotid artery (ICA) caused symptoms in this patient that could have been attributed to a less malignant etiology, such as a complex migraine. Overlooking the urgency of the situation and missing the diagnosis could have had a grave and irreversible outcome.
Diana MagiricuMichelle Garcia-Rybkin
Splenic Vein Thrombosis as a Complication of Hypertriglyceridemia-Induced Acute Pancreatitis
Background: Acute pancreatitis (AP) is an extensive inflammation condition that may lead to local and systemic complications, ranging from mild edematous peripancreatic fluid collection to multiorgan failure and death. Aim: To report the case of the patient with the complications that happened and the presented management. Case presentation: A 37-year-old female patient presented with acute necrotizing pancreatitis secondary to hypertriglyceridemia. During hospitalization, the patient developed severe ileus with splenic vein thrombosis. She was treated conservatively with Intravenous (IV) fluids, insulin infusion, anticoagulant, pain relief medication and antibiotics. Discussion: This case of pancreatitis induced splenic vein thrombosis (PIVST) was treated supportively with outstanding improvement of the patient’s symptoms. Conclusion: Acute pancreatitis can be complicated by splenic vein thrombosis that can be self-limited and treated with conservative measures.
Qonitah GibrataFedaa HousenBashar AlmasriMaryam AlKhatry
Perioperative complication incidence and risk factors for retroperitoneal neuroblastoma in children:analysis of 571 patients
Background Surgery plays an important role in the treatment of neuroblastoma.Perioperative complications may impact the course of neuroblastoma treatment.To date,comprehensive analyses of complications and risk factors have been lacking.Methods Patients with retroperitoneal neuroblastoma undergoing tumor resection were retrospectively analyzed between 2014 and 2021.The data collected included clinical characteristics,operative details,operative complications and postopera-tive outcomes.Risk factors for perioperative complications of retroperitoneal neuroblastoma were analyzed.Results A total of 571 patients were enrolled in this study.Perioperative complications were observed in 255(44.7%)patients.Lymphatic leakage(28.4%),diarrhea(13.5%),and injury(vascular,nerve and organ;7.5%)were the most frequent compli-cations.There were three operation-related deaths(0.53%):massive hemorrhage(n=1),biliary tract perforation(n=1)and intestinal necrosis(n=1).The presence of image-defined risk factors(IDRFs)[odds ratio(OR)=2.09,P<0.01],high stage of the International Neuroblastoma Risk Group staging system(INRGSS)(OR=0.454,P=0.04),retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis(OR=2.433,P=0.026),superior mesenteric artery encasement(OR=3.346,P=0.003),and inferior mesenteric artery encasement(OR=2.218,P=0.019)were identified as independent risk factors for perioperative complications.Conclusions Despite the high incidence of perioperative complications,the associated mortality rate was quite low.Perio-perative complications of retroperitoneal neuroblastoma were associated with IDRFs,INRGSS,retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis and vascular encasement.Patients with high-risk factors should receive more serious attention during surgery but should not discourage the determination to pursue total resection of neuroblastoma.
Min HeJia-Bin CaiXuan WuYin-Bing TangJin-Yan WangJun-Qin MaoJi-Jun ChenLi-Feng ZhangZhong-Hai GuanJie-Ni XiongWan-Xin PengJin-Hu WangTing Tao
Development and validation of a nomogram for predicting the probability of serious complication in esophageal cancer patients after esophagectomy
Background:Esophagectomy remains a procedure with one of the highest complication rates.This study aimed to develop and validate a model of nomogram for predicting the probability serious postoperative complications for the postoperative esophageal cancer(EC)patients.Methods:An observational study was conducted at Daping Hospital,China,encompassing 529 postoperative EC patients from December 2014 to November 2023.Weintegrated independent prognostic factors to craft a predictivemodel,specifically a nomogram,designed to forecast the risk of severe postoperative complications.Results:The incidence of serious complications for postoperative EC patients was 58.1%.A total of seven variables,including age,gender,bleeding volume during the operation(P=0.035),operating time(P=0.031),the Nutritional Risk Screening 2002(NRS 2002)score(P=0.027),the perioperative nutrition screen(PONS)score(P=0.018),and cystatin C levels(P<0.001),were applied to draw the nomogram of predicting serious complications after esophagectomy.The accuracy of predictive value for the model was quantified by Harrell’s C index at 0.690(95%confidence interval=0.596-0.785,P<0.001).Conclusion:We developed a nomogram system to demonstrate exceptional predictive capabilities for postoperative EC patients in forecasting the risk of serious complications.These results also emphasize the predictive value of the preoperative nutritional risk screening with NRS 2002 and PONS in EC patients undergoing esophagectomy.
Fei-Fei ChongZhen-Yu HuoMeng-Yuan ZhangXiu-Mei HeSi-Yu LuoJie Liu
Colo-colonic intussusception as a rare complication of colonoscopy with polypectomy: Two case reports
BACKGROUND Colonoscopy is the most frequently used diagnostic and therapeutic tool for the treatment of colorectal diseases.Although the complication rate is low,it can be potentially serious.Intussusception is a rare and severe complication often associated with polypectomy.Only a handful of post-colonoscopy intussusception cases have been reported,making this study a valuable addition to the medical literature.CASE SUMMARY Case 1:A 61-year-old man underwent colonoscopy with polypectomy for chronic abdominal pain.The patient experienced abdominal pain 11 hours later but was still discharged after pain management.He was readmitted due to recurring pain.Computed tomography(CT)showed colo-colonic intussusception.Initial conservative management and attempts at endoscopic reduction failed;therefore,laparoscopic right hemicolectomy was performed.Histopathological examination revealed tubular adenomas in the polyps and inflammation in the resected specimens.Case 2:A 59-year-old woman underwent colonoscopy with polypectomy for a polyp in the transverse colon.She experienced upper abdominal pain,fever,nausea,and vomiting 9 hours after the procedure.Emergency CT and blood tests revealed a colo-colonic intussusception near the hepatic flexure and an elevated white blood cell count.Initial attempts at endoscopic reduction failed and conservative treatment showed no improvement.She underwent successful laparoscopic reduction and recovered uneventfully.Histopathological examination of the resected polyp revealed hyperplasia.CONCLUSION Post-colonoscopy intussusception in adults is rare,and polypectomy may contribute to its occurrence.Early diagnosis is crucial,with prompt CT examination serving as key.After excluding malignancies,conservative management and reduction of intussusception should be considered before surgical bowel resection.
Sai-Heng XiangGuo-Qiang Xu
Superior Mesenteric Artery Syndrome, a Rare Complication of Severe Malnutrition: Two Cases from a Subsaharian Endocrinology Department
Introduction: Superior mesenteric artery syndrome (SMAS), a rare diagnosis due to compression of the third duodenum between the superior mesenteric artery (SMA) and the aorta resulting in bowel obstruction, may lead to severe malnutrition. We report two cases of patients hospitalised in the Internal Medicine, Endocrinology, Diabetology, and Nutrition Department of the National Hospital Center (NHC) of Pikine. Observations: Patient 1: A 35-year-old female was referred for an aetiological diagnosis due to a rapid weight loss of 15 kilograms in one month, accompanied by persistent vomiting, following an appendectomy performed a month before admission. Upon clinical examination, she presented severe malnutrition (Buzby index of 76%), early post-prandial chronic vomiting, and a poor general condition. An abdominal CT scan revealed aortomesenteric clamp syndrome (AMCS) with an angulation between the aorta and the SMA of 13˚. The underlying cause in this patient was severe malnutrition. Fortunately, her condition improved with medical treatment. Patient 2: We report the case of a 30-year-old female hospitalized due to unusual weight-bearing post-prandial epigastric pain and intermittent vomiting over the past six months. Upon physical examination at admission, she exhibited severe malnutrition with a body mass index (BMI) of 14 kg/m2, a Buzby index of 71%, trophic disorders, and a stage IV general condition assessment according to the World Health Organization (WHO). An abdominal CT scan revealed AMCS with an angle between the aorta and the SMA of 22˚ and an aortomesenteric space of 4 mm. The outcome was poor with medical treatment failure and, unfortunately, the patient died before surgery. Conclusion: SMAS is rarely evoked in clinical practice despite the presence of contributing factors and suggestive clinical signs. The prognosis depends on management time.
Nafy NdiayeNgone Diaba DiackYakham Mohamed LeyeSokhna Awa Balla SallMoussa GueyeMouhamed FawazMouhamadou Moustapha NdongAbdoulaye Leye
Periodontitis:An often-neglected complication of diabetes
The bidirectional association between type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM)and periodontitis is now well established,resulting in periodontal disease being considered as the 6th major complication of diabetes mellitus(DM)after cardiovascular disease,eye disease,neuropathy,nephropathy,and peripheral vascular disease.DM can worsen the virulence and invasiveness of pathogenic oral microbial flora aggravating the local inflammation and infection in those with periodontal disease.On the other hand,the chemical and immunological mediators released into the circulation as part of periodontal inflammation worsen the systemic insulin resistance with worsening of T2DM.Periodontitis if undiagnosed or left untreated can also result in eventual tooth loss.A study by Xu et al in the World Journal of Diabetes examined the predictive factors associated with periodontitis in Chinese patients with T2DM.The prevalence of periodontitis was found to be 75.7%in this study.Based on logistic regression analysis,the predictive factors for higher risk were low tooth brushing frequency[odds ratio(OR)=4.3],high triglycerides(TG;OR=3.31),high total cholesterol(TC;OR=2.87),higher glycated hemoglobin(HbA1c;OR=2.55),and higher age(OR=1.05)while higher education level was protective(OR=0.53).However,the most influential variables were HbA1c followed by age,TC,TG,low education level,brushing frequency,and sex on the random forest model(this model showed higher sensitivity for predicting the risk).A good understanding of the predictors for periodontitis in T2DM patients is important in prevention,early detection of susceptible patients,and intervention to improve periodontal health and enable long-term glycaemic control as observed by Xu et al.
Marina G KudiyirickalJoseph M Pappachan
Esophageal inserted subclavian catheter:a rare complication
Central venous catheterization(CVC) is an invasive procedure for administering fluids,nutrients,and drugs;monitoring central venous pressure;performing pulmonary artery catheterization;and placing transvenous pacemakers in intensive care units and all specialties,from anesthesia to emergency medicine,for the treatment of trauma and hemodynamically unstable pediatric and adult patients.[1,2]Complications have been observed in more than 15% of patients who underwent CVC.Mechanical,infectious,and thrombotic complications have been reported in 5%–19%,5%–26%,and 2%–26% of patients,respectively.[3] Malposition,on the other hand,is common in subclavian catheter insertion and is usually associated with an initially misplaced guidewire.[4]
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