搜索到348篇“ DOWNWELLING“的相关文章
Quantifying Uncertainties in CERES/MODIS Downwelling Radiation Fluxes in the Global Tropical Oceans
The Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System program,which uses the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(CM),has been updated with the launch of new satellites and the availability of newly upgraded radiation data.The spatial and temporal variability of daily averaged synoptic 1-degree CM version 3(CMv3)(old)and version 4(CMv4)(new)downwelling shortwave(QS)and longwave radiation(QL)data in the global tropical oceans spanning 30°S-30°N from 2000 to 2017 is investigated.Daily in situ data from the Global Tropical Moored Buoy Array were used to validate the CM data from 2000 to 2015.When compared to CMv3,both QS and QL in CMv4 show significant improvements in bias,root-mean-square error,and standard deviations.Furthermore,a long-term trend analysis shows that QS has been increasing by 1 W m^(−2) per year in the Southern Hemisphere.In contrast,the Northern Hemisphere has a−0.7 W m^(−2) annual decreasing trend.QS and QL exhibit similar spatial trend patterns.However,in the Indian Ocean,Indo-Pacific warm pool region,and Southern Hemisphere,QL spatial patterns in CMv3 and CMv4 differ with an opposite trend(0.5 W m^(−2)).These annual trends in QS and QL could cause the sea surface temperature to change by−0.2 to 0.3℃per year in the tropical oceans.These results stress the importance of accurate radiative flux data,and CMv4 can be an alternative to reanalysis or other model-simulated data.
Venugopal ThandlamAnna RutgerssonHasibur RahamanMounika YabakuVenkatramana KaagitaVenkatramana Reddy Sakirevupalli
Observation and simulation of the diffuse attenuation coefficient of downwelling irradiance in the Polar Ocean
The three-stream radiation transfer model is used to investigate the fluctuation in the underwater diffuse attenuation coefficient of downwelling irradiance in the polar ocean with a high solar zenith angle and different direct radiation proportions.First,the applicability of the three-stream radiation model in the polar region is validated by using 18 in situ observation data from September to October 2009 in the Beaufort Sea.Statistics show that in the absence of sea ice,the average relative errors between the simulation and observation values for 490 nm downwelling irradiance (E_(d)(490)) and its diffuse attenuation coefficient (K_(d)(490)) are 7.04%and 9.88%,respectively.At the stations surrounded by sea ice,the radiation is relatively small due to ice blocking,and the average relative errors simulated by the model reach 15.89%and 15.55%,respectively.Second,simulations with different chlorophyll concentrations and different proportions of direct radiation reveal that a high solar zenith angle has a greater impact on K_(d)(490) in the surface water.K_(d)(490) is less affected by the light field (affected by the solar zenith angle and the proportion of direct radiation) at depths greater than 30 m,and meets the linear relationship with the inherent optical parameters(the sum of the absorption coefficient and backscattering coefficient).The surface K_(d)(490) is still consistent with that at a depth of more than 50 meters under a high solar zenith angle,implying that the surface K_(d)(490) can also be considered as an inherent optical parameter at a high solar zenith angle (greater than 60 degrees).The relative error of obtaining surface K_(d)(490) by using the linear relationship at the 50 m layer is found to be less than 8%in the seawater with chlorophyll concentration greater than0.05 mg m^(-3).The effect of the solar zenith angle and proportion of direct radiation can be ignored when measuring the diffuse attenuation coefficient in the polar region.Finally,the model can correct the ice-induced fluctuation in
Weibo WANGChunsheng JINGXiaogang GUO
基于遥感手段准确估算水体漫射衰减系数Kd(490),可为有效评价近岸海域水质、准确估算真光层深度提供有力数据和方法支撑。利用2004~2012年在南海海域获得的9个航次的实测Kd(490)数据,通过建立实测与遥感产品的时空匹配数据对,获取与Kd(490)实测数据相对应的MODIS-Aqua遥感反射率(Rrs(λ))和叶绿素a浓度(Chl-a)产品,分别采用算法Muller,Werdell,Morel,Lee和MODIS业务化算法KD2M对南海海域Kd(490)遥感产品进行精度评估与对比;在此基础上,考虑到南海海域水体的特异性,基于相应的实测Rrs(λ)和Chl-a数据集,利用上述算法对Kd(490)反演产品再次进行精度评估与对比,进而探讨Kd(490)产品的误差来源和算法区域化修正的必要性。基于MODIS-Aqua遥感产品,利用上述五种算法获得的MODIS-Aqua Kd(490)产品值与实测值的平均相对误差(APD)分别是20.12%,29.22%,17.98%,22.61%和21.61%,其中,Morel算法最优,且相关系数最高达0.5;基于相应实测数据,利用上述算法反演获得的Kd(490)产品精度均有不同程度的提高,特别是算法Lee和Werdell,APD分别为17.86%和17.97%,提高了5%~11%,最优算法为Morel,其APD可达15.44%。合理选取评估算法及进一步开展算法的区域性修正对于准确估算南海海域Kd(490)产品是非常必要的。
Downwelling by Surface Gravity Waves?
Based on observational evidence and the known physical characteristics of surface gravity waves, an argument is made that downwelling is not a significant feature over the life history of these waves under the usual conditions existing in the open oceans. Since it has recently been predicted that upwelling due to surface gravity waves should occur within a storm at sea, when the waves are growing in amplitude, the contrast is explained. As a result the importance of the upwelling concept due to waves in stimulating biological productivity is further emphasized, and the possibility for reducing global warming is worth repeating.
Kern E. Kenyon
太湖梅梁湾下行漫衰减系数的Monte Carlo模拟及分析
漫衰减系数常用于计算水体浑浊度和划分水体等级,是水中生物进行光合作用等生态过程中的重要参数。本文假设水体固有光学特性(IOPs)不随垂直剖面变化,水体表面为镜面。通过Monte Carlo方法模拟追踪光子在水中的运动过程,统计大量光子在不同深度上的能量分布,计算出下行漫衰减系数Kd值。结果表明:在450 nm,550 nm和650 nm波长处模拟的Kd值基本上小于实测Kd值,对应后向散射概率为3%的散射相函数模拟的相对误差最小,适合用于构建太湖水体的Kd值反演模型。进一步分析入射天顶角、b/a值对Kd值变化的影响,结果发现:在b/a较大的情况下,散射相函数成为影响Kd值变化的主要因素。当b/a值大于9时,入射天顶角从10°变化到80°时,Kd值的变化率小于10%,可忽略入射天顶角的变化对Kd值的影响。利用单一散射相函数模拟不同波长处的Kd值,发现悬浮颗粒物浓度较高且以无机颗粒物为主体时,450—550 nm内模拟值大于实测值,550—650 nm内则相反,说明随着波长的增加,水体中颗粒物的散射呈现出前向散射减弱、后向散射增强的变化趋势。在反演不同波长处的Kd值时需考虑到散射相函数的光谱变化所造成的误差。
Observation of the supercritical Pearl River plume front under the downwelling-favorable winds
For the Pearl River plume, the supercritical, distinct plume front appears in downwelling-favorable winds, which is easily observed due to the distinct boundary between the plume water and the ambient water. In this paper, in situ and satellite observations of a plume front are utilized to explore the Pearl River plume front properties under the downwelling-favorable winds. Field observations clearly show frontal structure, especially the two-layer structure in the plume water and the downward-motion of water in the frontal region. The Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar(ASAR) images are also analyzed to unveil the plume front: there is a white stripe on the west side out of the river mouth under downwelling-favorable winds, which is identified as a supercritical plume front, and the width of the plume front is about 250 m. The normalized velocity gradient shows the intense velocity convergence in the front region. Also, analyses of ASAR images imply that the river discharge plays an important role in controlling the location and shape of the front.
Variation of diffuse attenuation coefficient of downwelling irradiance in the Arctic Ocean被引量:2
The diffuse attenuation coefficient (Kd) for downwelling irradiance is calculated from solar irradiance data measured in the Arctic Ocean during 3rd and 4th Chinese National Arctic Research Expedition (CHINARE), including 18 stations and nine stations selected for irradiance profiles in seawater respectively. In this study, the variation of attenuation coefficient in the Arctic Ocean was studied, and the following results were obtained. First, the relationship between attenuation coefficient and chlorophyll concentration in the Arctic Ocean has the form of a power function. The best fit is at 443 nm, and its determination coefficient is more than 0.7. With increasing wavelength, the determination coefficient decreases abruptly. At 550 nm, it even reaches a value lower than 0.2. However, the exponent fitted is only half of that adapted in low-latitude ocean because of the lower chlorophyll-specific absorption in the Arctic Ocean. The upshot was that, in the case of the same chlorophyll concentration, the attenuation caused by phytoplankton chlorophyll in the Arctic Ocean is lower than in low-latitude ocean. Second, the spectral model, which exhibits the relationship of attenuation coefficients between 490 nm and other wavelength, was built and provided a new method to estimate the attenuation coefficient at other wavelength, if the attenuation coefficient at 490 nm was known. Third, the impact factors on attenuation coefficient, including sea ice and sea water mass, were discussed. The influence of sea ice on attenuation coefficient is indirect and is determined through the control of enter- ing solar radiation. The linear relationship between averaging sea ice concentration (ASIC, from 158 Julian day to observation day) and the depth of maximum chlorophyll is fitted by a simple linear equation. In addition, the sea water mass, such as the ACW (Alaskan Coastal Water), directly affects the amount of chlo- rophyll through taking more nutrient, and results in the higher attenuation coefficient in the
WANG WeiboZHAO Jinping