Flax is considered to be one of the most significant dual-purpose crops for oil and fiber production in Egypt and worldwide.Biofertilizers have a substantial impact on various metabolic processes,including increased photo-synthesis,endogenous hormone levels,ion absorption,nucleic acid synthesis,and protein synthesis.These factors collectively contribute to the growth and development of plants.Therefore,this study aims to investigate how three biofertilizers(Algae extract,CMS as a by-product of yeast,and Metalosate multi minerals as amino acids)can enhance both the quantity and quality of flax seed yield under sandy soil conditions.Two field experiments were conducted at the Experimental Station of National Research Centre in Nubaria District,Behira Governorate,Egypt during two seasons(2021/2022)using a randomized complete block design(RCBD).The results revealed significant differences among all tested biofertilizers in terms of various characteristics studied in flax.Foliar application of algae extract at a rate of 1.50 mL/L resulted in an increase in seed yield(ton/ha)by 26.69%&19.89%,straw yield(ton/ha)by 8.08%&17.12%,and oil yield(kg/ha)by 47.72%&33.69%compared to the control group during both seasons respectively.Foliar applications of algae extract at a rate of 1.50 mL/L along with CMS at a rate of 5 m L/L and amino acids at a rate of 1.50 mL/L demonstrated significantly higher macronutrient contents(N,P,K),micronutrient contents(Fe,Zn,Mn),seed oil content,and protein content in flax seeds during both seasons.The highest values for seed oil content and protein content%were obtained through foliar application of amino acids at a rate of 1.50 mL/L.It can be concluded that foliar sprays with these bio-fertilizers effectively improved flax performance by increasing seed straw and oil yields,nutrients oil,protein and fatty acids seeds contents.
Flax is a crucial fiber crop that exhibits excellent textile properties and serves as a model plant for investigating phloem fiber development. The regulation of multiple genes significantly influences fiber development, notably involving NAC(NAM, ATAF1/2, CUC2) transcription factors in forming the fiber secondary cell wall(SCW).Overexpression of LuNAC61 in flax resulted in sparse top meristematic zone leaves and significantly reduced stem cellulose content. Scanning electron microscopy and staining observations revealed a significant reduction in fiber bundles. β-Glucuronidase(GUS) staining analysis demonstrated high activity of the LuNAC61 promoter in the bast fibers of the flax stem. Additionally, several members of the LuPLATZ and LuCesA families exhibited significant coexpression with LuNAC61. Subcellular localization indicated the presence of LuPLATZ24 protein in the nucleus and cytoplasm, LuNAC61 protein exclusively in the nucleus, and LuCesA10 in the nucleus and endoplasmic reticulum. LuPLATZ24 positively regulates LuNAC61, whereas LuNAC61 negatively affects LuCesA10, suggesting the involvement of a metabolic network in regulating flax fiber development. In conclusion, this study provides a critical opportunity for a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the mechanisms governing flax fiber development and the potential use of biotechnology to enhance flax fiber yield.
Dongwei XieJing LiWan LiLijun SunZhigang DaiWenzhi ZhouJianguang SuJian Sun