Preface I am pleased to contribute an article to GSIS to commemorate the great achievements of Prof.Dr.Gottfried Konecny on the occasion of the celebration of his 90th birthday.I was lucky to work closely with Gottfried as an ISPRS Council member for the first time in 1984 in Rio de Janeiro,Brazil,when I was elected as Congress Director of the Kyoto ISPRS Congress to be held in 1988.Gottfried was elected as ISPRS President for 1984~1988.At the first Council meeting under the President Gottfried,he said to all Council members“as we are like a family,I request that we address each other by our first names”.If he had not said this,I might have called him Professor Konecny,according to Japanese custom.
2019年6月9—14日,国际摄影测量与遥感学会(The International Society for Photogrammetryand Remote Sensing,ISPRS)在荷兰恩斯赫德(Enschede)特文特大学(University of Twente)举行了2019地球空间周(ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019)活动。本次地球空间信息周设有云包映射和地理空间大数据、联合欧洲校准和定位研讨会、行星遥感和测绘、空间数据质量国际研讨会、全球变化研究中的冰冻圈和水圈研讨会(Cryosphere and Hydrosphere for Global Change Studies,CHGCS 2019)、三维地图和导航多传感器系统研讨、高光谱传感符合机器学习和模式分析等专题。
《遥感信息》:国际摄影测量与遥感学会(International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing,ISPRS)是一个以推动国际摄影测量与遥感的发展、应用、合作为宗旨的非政府组织,是国际测绘界规模最大的国际组织,距今已经有109年的历史,为摄影测量与遥感在全球发展、服务人类做出了巨大贡献。您能为我们讲解一下ISPRS的组织结构吗?