搜索到5288篇“ NUCLEOSYNTHESIS“的相关文章
Nucleosynthesis in the little bang
A new approach based on relativistic kinetic equations is proposed to solve the long-standing puzzle of light cluster formation, also called nucleosynthesis, in high-energy heavy-ion collisions. This method addresses the tension between STAR data and previous studies relying on either statistical equilibrium or coalescence approaches.
Marcus Bleicher
Study of primordial deuterium abundance in Big Bang nucleosynthesis
Big Bang nucleosynthesis(BBN)theory predicts the primordial abundances of the light elements^(2) H(referred to as deuterium,or D for short),^(3)He,^(4)He,and^(7) Li produced in the early universe.Among these,deuterium,the first nuclide produced by BBN,is a key primordial material for subsequent reactions.To date,the uncertainty in predicted deuterium abundance(D/H)remains larger than the observational precision.In this study,the Monte Carlo simulation code PRIMAT was used to investigate the sensitivity of 11 important BBN reactions to deuterium abundance.We found that the reaction rate uncertainties of the four reactions d(d,n)^(3)He,d(d,p)t,d(p,γ)^(3)He,and p(n,γ)d had the largest influence on the calculated D/H uncertainty.Currently,the calculated D/H uncertainty cannot reach observational precision even with the recent LUNA precise d(p,γ)^(3) He rate.From the nuclear physics aspect,there is still room to largely reduce the reaction-rate uncertainties;hence,further measurements of the important reactions involved in BBN are still necessary.A photodisintegration experiment will be conducted at the Shanghai Laser Electron Gamma Source Facility to precisely study the deuterium production reaction of p(n,γ)d.
Zhi-Lin ShenJian-Jun He
Impact of the new ^(12)C+^(12)C reaction rate on presupernova nucleosynthesis
The ^(12)C+^(12)C reaction rate plays an essential role in stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis.Nevertheless,the uncertainties of this reaction rate are still large.We calculate a series of stellar evolution models with the near solar abundance from the zero-age main-sequence through presupernova stages for initial masses of 20 M_(⊙) to 40 M_(⊙).The ^(12)C+^(12)C reaction rates from two different studies are used in our investigation.One is the rate obtained using the Trojan Horse Method(THM)by Tumino et al.[Nature 557(7707),687(2018)],and the other was obtained by Mukhamedzhanov et al.[Physical Review C 99(6),064618(2019)](Muk19).Then,comparisons of the nucleosynthesis and presupernova isotopic abundances are conducted.In particular,we find that in the C burning shell,models with the THM produce a smaller amount of ^(23)Na and some neutron-rich isotopes than Muk19.The difference in the abundance ratios of Na/Mg,S/Mg,Ar/Mg,and K/Mg between the two models are apparent.We compare Na/Mg obtained from our theoretical presupernovae models with Na/Mg in stellar atmospheres observed with high-resolution spectra as well as from the latest galactic chemical evolution model.Although Na/Mg obtained using the THM is within 2σ of the observed stellar ratio,the theoretical uncertainty on Na/Mg introduced by the uncertainty of the ^(12)C+^(12)C reaction rate is almost equivalent to the standard deviation of astronomical observations.Therefore,a more accurate ^(12)C+^(12)C reaction rate is crucial.
Underground laboratory JUNA shedding light on stellar nucleosynthesis被引量:7
Extremely low background experiments to measure key nuclear reaction cross sections of astrophysical interest are conducted at the world’s deepest underground laboratory,the Jingping Underground laboratory for Nuclear Astrophysics(JUNA).High precision measurements provide reliable information to understand nucleosynthetic processes in celestial objects and resolve mysteries on the origin of atomic nuclei discovered in the first generations of Pop.III stars in the universe and meteoritic SiC grains in the solar system.
Toshitaka Kajino
The Origin of Cosmic Structures Part 4—Nucleosynthesis被引量:1
In our original paper, we outlined a new model of nucleosynthesis which began when a small percentage of the vacuum energy was converted primarily into neutron-antineutron pairs but with a very small excess of neutrons. In this paper, we present a detailed study of that original idea. We show that immediately after their inception, annihilation and charge exchange reactions proceeded at a very high rate and after an interval of no more than 10-12 s, the matter/antimatter asymmetry of the universe and the present-day abundance of baryons had been established. The annihilations produced the high density of leptons critical for the weak interactions and the photons that make up the CMB. The model predicts a photon temperature in agreement with the present-day CMB value and also explains the origin of the CMB anisotropy spectrum. We also show how the nucleosynthesis density variations needed to explain all cosmic structures can resolve the difficulties that arise when trying to explain observed primordial element abundances in terms of a single-density universal model of nucleosynthesis.
J. C. Botke
Big Bang Nucleosynthesis in Carmeli Cosmology—Mass Density, Temperature and Expansion Rate of the Early Universe
The Carmeli Cosmological Special Relativity theory (CSR) is used to study the universe at early times after the big bang. The universe temperature vs. time relation is developed from the mass density relation. It is shown that CSR is well suited to analyze the nucleosynthesis of the light elements up to beryllium, equivalent to the standard model.
Firmin J. Oliveira
研究了3 M☉AGB星中^(26)Al核合成的网络计算和核反应率的灵敏度分析。结合最新的核反应率数据,建立了一个从碳到硅完整的核反应网络,计算了^(26)Al的丰度。结果表明,^(26)Al首先在AGB星中有效合成,随着核反应的进行,然后被一系列的核反应消耗。MgAl循环出现在^(26)Al的网络中。我们将核反应网络中的主要核反应分为三类:(n,γ),(p,γ)和(α,γ),并对核反应率的灵敏度进行了详细的分析。已经确定了每一类中最有影响的核反应,它们是25Mg(n,γ)26Mg,25Mg(p,γ)^(26)Al,26Mg(p,γ)27Al,21Ne(p,γ)22Na,18O(α,γ)22Ne和22Ne(α,γ)26Mg。在目前网络所涉及的所有核反应中,25Mg(p,γ)^(26)Al是对^(26)Al的产量有最大的影响,它值得核实验物理学家的关注。
Extreme brightness laser-based neutron pulses as a pathway for investigating nucleosynthesis in the laboratory被引量:4
With the much-anticipated multi-petawatt(PW)laser facilities that are coming online,neutron sources with extreme fluxes could soon be in reach.Such sources would rely on spallation by protons accelerated by the high-intensity lasers.These high neutron fluxes would make possible not only direct measurements of neutron capture andβ-decay rates related to the r-process of nucleosynthesis of heavy elements,but also such nuclear measurements in a hot plasma environment,which would be beneficial for s-process investigations in astrophysically relevant conditions.This could,in turn,finally allow possible reconciliation of the observed element abundances in stars and those derived from simulations,which at present show large discrepancies.Here,we review a possible pathway to reach unprecedented neutron fluxes using multi-PW lasers,as well as strategies to perform measurements to investigate the r-and s-processes of nucleosynthesis of heavy elements in cold matter,as well as in a hot plasma environment.
沃尔夫-拉叶(Wolf-Rayet stars, WR)星是一类非常特殊的恒星,具有强烈的星风损失,造成氢包层丢失,仅具有裸露的氦核. WR星被认为是Ib/Ic型超新星的前身星,研究WR星的形成及内部核合成具有重要意义.根据转动恒星的角动量转移和元素扩散方程,研究了影响WR星结构与演化的各种物理因素.如恒星质量、初始转速、轨道周期、金属丰度等.大质量、初始转速快和金属丰度高的单星模型,星风物质损失率大,易于形成WR星.金属丰度低的恒星由于星风弱,不容易丢失氢包层,不容易形成WR星.然而,快速转动使低金属丰度恒星产生化学成分均匀的演化,极大地增加了对流核的质量,相应减小了氢包层厚度,也可以产生WR星.双星系统中发生洛希瓣物质交换,将主星大量的氢包层物质转移到次星上,也可使低金属丰度恒星产生WR星.另外,洛希瓣物质交换,减少了氢包层的厚度以及对流核的温度和核反应速率,主星表面的4He, 12C, 19F, 22Ne, 23Na, 25Mg等元素的质量丰度高于相同初始条件的单星模型,而1H, 14N, 16O, 20Ne和26Al等元素的质量丰度却低于单星模型.总之,大质量星、初始转速快、金属丰度高、短轨道周期双星系统是形成WR星的有利条件.
Nucleosynthesis in Advection-Dominated Accretion Flow onto a Black Hole
Nucleosynthesis in advection-dominated accretion flow (ADAF) onto a black hole is proposed to be an important role in chemical evolution around compact stars. We investigate the nucleosynthesis in ADAF relevant for a black hole of low mass, different from that of the self-similar solution. In particular, the presence of supersolar metal mass fractions of some isotopes seems to be associated with the known black hole nucleosynthesis in ADAF, which offers further evidence of diversity of the chemical enrichment.
Jiang ZhangRen-Yi MaHong-Jie LiBo Zhang


研究主题:相对论平均场理论 原子核 相对论平均场 对关联 中子星