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最近一种高质量的二维(Two-dimensional,2D)半导体材料MoSi_(2)N_(4)(MSN)在实验上被成功合成,具有优异的电气和机械性能.尽管最近有大量的研究致力于揭示MSN的材料特性,但到目前为止,对MSN的电接触物理特性的探索还比较少.在这项工作中,构建了金属-半导体NbSe_(2)/MSN肖特基结并使用第一性原理密度泛函理论计算研究了该肖特基结的材料特性.发现NbSe_(2)/MSN接触具有超低肖特基势垒高度(Schottky barrier height,SBH),这有利于纳米电子学应用.SBH可以通过施加双轴应变的方式进行有效的调控.当施加拉伸应变时能实现NbSe_(2)/MSN肖特基结由p型肖特基接触转变为p型欧姆接触,而当施加较大的压缩应变时能实现p型肖特基接触和n型肖特基接触之间的转换.我们的研究结果为MSN的2D电触点的物理特性提供了见解,并将为设计基于MSN的2D纳米器件的高性能电触点提供关键的一步.
The Schottky contact which is a crucial interface between semiconductors and metals is becoming increasingly significant in nano-semiconductor devices. A Schottky barrier, also known as the energy barrier, controls the depletion width and carrier transport across the metal–semiconductor interface.Controlling or adjusting Schottky barrier height(SBH) has always been a vital issue in the successful operation of any semiconductor device. This review provides a comprehensive overview of the static and dynamic adjustment methods of SBH, with a particular focus on the recent advancements in nanosemiconductor devices. These methods encompass the work function of the metals, interface gap states,surface modification, image-lowering effect, external electric field, light illumination, and piezotronic effect. We also discuss strategies to overcome the Fermi-level pinning effect caused by interface gap states, including van der Waals contact and 1D edge metal contact. Finally, this review concludes with future perspectives in this field.
Preparation and characteristic study of Schottky diodes based on Ga_(2)O_(3)thin films
This study uses atomic layer deposition(ALD)to grow Ga_(2)O_(3)films on SiO_(2)substrates and investigates the influence of film thickness and annealing temperature on film quality.Schottky diode devices are fabricated based on the grown Ga_(2)O_(3)films,and the effects of annealing temperature,electrode size,and electrode spacing on the electrical characteristics of the devices are studied.The results show that as the film thickness increases,the breakdown voltage of the fabricated devices also increases.A Schottky diode with a thickness of 240 nm can achieve a reverse breakdown voltage of 300 V.The film quality significantly improves as the annealing temperature of the film increases.At a voltage of 5 V,the current of the film annealed at 900℃is 64 times that of the film annealed at 700℃.The optimum annealing temperature for Ohmic contact electrodes is 450℃.At 550℃,the Ohmic contact metal tends to burn,and the performance of the device is reduced.Reducing the electrode spacing increases the forward current of the device but decreases the reverse breakdown voltage.Increasing the Schottky contact electrode size increases the forward current,but the change is not significant,and there is no significant change in the reverse breakdown voltage.The device also performs well at high temperatures,with a reverse breakdown voltage of 220 V at 125℃.
Zhang XuhuiChen HaifengLiu XiangtaiLu QinWang ZhanCheng HangChe LujieGuan YouyouHan Xiaocong
以K_(3)[Co(CN)_(6)]为Co源,硫脲为S源,富含-OH和-NH_(2)的天然亲水性高分子壳聚糖为碳源,通过形成CS-K_(3)[Co(CN)_(6)]水凝胶将Co前驱体和S源均匀分布于C前驱体中。水凝胶形成的主要驱动力来自金属Co离子与壳聚糖中-NH_2的配位交联以及Co离子之间通过-CN的桥接作用。得益于均匀分散的前驱体和后续热解处理初期形成的Co的催化作用,通过简单地调控Co与S的原子比,原位构建出均匀镶嵌有Co/Co_(9)S_(8)异质结的N,S共掺杂富含微孔的碳纳米片(Co/Co_(9)S_(8)@N,S-CNSs)。采用SEM、TEM、BET、XRD、Raman、XPS和电化学工作站等方法对所制备催化剂的形貌、组成和结构以及电催化性能进行了表征。结果表明,形成的Mott-Schottky型Co/Co_(9)S_(8)异质界面有效地调控了活性中心的电子结构和电荷传输特性;二维掺杂多孔碳纳米片的负载使活性位点更加均匀分散,同时提供了高速的电子和传质通道,也避免了活性位点在催化过程中的迁移聚集。两者的协同作用使合成的Co/Co_(9)S_(8)@N,S-CNSs复合催化剂具有了更优的催化性能,在10 mA·cm^(-2)的电流密度下,其催化碱性析氧反应/OER的过电位仅为304 mV,优于商业化的RuO_(2)催化剂。该研究为发展具有优异电催化性能的廉价过渡金属催化剂提供帮助。
Schottky infrared detectors with optically tunable barriers beyond the internal photoemission limit
Internal photoemission is a prominent branch of the photoelectric effect and has emerged as a viable method for detecting photons with energies below the semiconductor bandgap.This breakthrough has played a significant role in accelerating the development of infrared imaging in one chip with state-of-the-art silicon techniques.However,the performance of these Schottky infrared detectors is currently hindered by the limit of internal photoemission;specifically,a low Schottky barrier height is inevitable for the detection of low-energy infrared photons.Herein,a distinct paradigm of Schottky infrared detectors is proposed to overcome the internal photoemission limit by introducing an optically tunable barrier.This device uses an infrared absorbing material-sensitized Schottky diode,assisted by the highly adjustable Fermi level of graphene,which subtly decouples the photon energy from the Schottky barrier height.Correspondingly,a broadband photoresponse spanning from ultraviolet to mid-wave infrared is achieved,with a high specific detectivity of 9.83×1010 cm Hz1/2 W−1 at 2,700 nm and an excellent specific detectivity of 7.2×109 cm Hz1/2 W−1 at room temperature under blackbody radiation.These results address a key challenge in internal photoemission and hold great promise for the development of the Schottky infrared detector with high sensitivity and room temperature operation.
Jintao FuZhongmin GuoChangbin NieFeiying SunGenglin LiShuanglong FengXingzhan Wei
A novel one-time-programmable memory unit based on Schottky-type p-GaN diode
In this work,a novel one-time-programmable memory unit based on a Schottky-type p-GaN diode is proposed.During the programming process,the junction switches from a high-resistance state to a low-resistance state through Schottky junction breakdown,and the state is permanently preserved.The memory unit features a current ratio of more than 10^(3),a read voltage window of 6 V,a programming time of less than 10^(−4)s,a stability of more than 108 read cycles,and a lifetime of far more than 10 years.Besides,the fabrication of the device is fully compatible with commercial Si-based GaN process platforms,which is of great significance for the realization of low-cost read-only memory in all-GaN integration.
Chao FengXinyue DaiQimeng JiangSen HuangJie FanXinhua WangXinyu Liu
2D/2D Ti_(3)C_(2) MXene/HTiNbO_(5) nanosheets Schottky heterojunction for boosting photothermal-assisted solar-driven photodegradation of tetracycline hydrochloride
Developing high-efficiency photocatalysts for tetracycline hydrochloride(TCH)degradation is of great sig-nificance to ecosystems and human beings.In this work,a two-step process of exfoliation and re-stacking was performed to prepare re-stacked HTiNbO_(5) nanosheets(R-HTNS)and then coupled with Ti_(3)C_(2) MXene to construct Ti_(3)C_(2) MXene/R-HTNS(MX/RTS)with a 2D/2D Schottky heterojunction.These 2D/2D het-erostructures between Ti_(3)C_(2) MXene and R-HTNS can produce an internal electric field and provide max-imum interface area for efficient charge transfer across the intimate interface.The photocatalytic perfor-mance of samples was evaluated by TCH degradation under simulated sunlight.The MX/RTS composites,with an optimal sample of 3-MX/RTS,show enhanced photocatalytic activity for TCH degradation com-pared with R-HTNS.The characterization results reveal that the introduction of Ti_(3)C_(2) MXene can signif-icantly increase specific surface area for providing more reactive sites and broaden the light absorption region.Besides,the incident light energy is absorbed by the Ti_(3)C_(2) MXene component in MX/RTS compos-ites to generate photothermal energy(heat),which facilitates the charge carrier separation and surface reaction kinetics.Thus,the enhanced TCH photodegradation activity for MX/RTS composites is due to the introduction of Ti_(3)C_(2) MXene,which possesses the synergistic effect of the increased specific surface area,improved light-harvesting capacity,2D/2D Schottky heterojunction,and photothermal energy effect.Additionally,the TCH photodegradation behavior is deliberated with a detailed discussion on various co-existing ions.During TCH photodegradation,the active radical species are determined for 3-MX/RTS.Ac-cording to the characterization results,the possible TCH photodegradation pathway and mechanism over 3-MX/RTS are explored.This work may offer a novel insight for constructing MXene-based heterostruc-tured photocatalysts with high efficiency.
Wen XiaoHuan YuChenghao XuZhongyi PuXiangyu ChengFang YuChao LiuQinfang ZhangZhigang Zou
碳化硅(SiC)作为第三代宽带隙半导体材料,其因优异的物理特性而被广泛研究。针对SiC器件在高温环境下可能会因为不理想的散热导致器件失效从而引发可靠性问题,文中采用仿真的方法对铂Pt/SiC肖特基二极管器件进行了测试,并研究了该型器件在高温下的伏安特性。结果表明,Pt/SiC肖特基二极管器件在正偏的情况下,随着温度的升高,器件的电流水平会逐渐降低;器件反偏时,反向电流水平则随着温度的升高而急剧增大。同时在高温下器件的反向电流基本趋于饱和,热电子发射电流占据主导地位,且200℃时电子的迁移率仅为500 cm2/(V·s)。


研究主题:大气腐蚀 不锈钢 应力腐蚀 应力腐蚀开裂 电化学
研究主题:丝束电极 低碳钢 钢表面 载流子密度 高强钢
研究主题:汽轮机转子钢 不锈钢 脆化 汽轮机转子 30CR2MOV
研究主题:电子结构 物理性质 晶格稳定性 AU 原子状态
研究主题:铝镓氮 探测器 SCHOTTKY 计算机视觉 多目标分割