1、海明威的创作原则及写作风格欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)是现代美国有影响的小说家,在当代美国乃至世界文坛上享有举足轻重的地位。1952年发表了他的杰作《老人与海》(The Old Man and the Sea).1954年正是这部作品使他登上了文学殿堂之巅,荣获诺贝尔文学奖。更因该小说中的"老人"独立奋斗,坚忍不拔的文学形象为世人所瞩目。他一生创作颇丰,包括九部长篇小说、一部长篇游记、一部回忆录、一个剧本和数量不少的短篇小说。
Values are the most important issue in identifying one particular culture.Social values are the feelings people have about what is important,worthwhile,and just.In this paper,the differences between British and American values are discussed in two aspects which mainly lie respectively in the comparisons of values and characteristics in both cultures.