本研究基于社会语言学视角,通过调查大连某高校留学生中的非英语母语者英语詈语的使用情况,着重探讨他们在英语詈语使用上的异同,分析英语詈语的使用对身份建构的影响以期在跨文化交际中对詈语的使用提出合理化建议。研究整体采用问卷调查和半控制访谈相结合的方法收集相关数据,并借助IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0软件分析性别因素和英语水平差异对英语詈语使用的影响。研究发现,性别因素和英语水平的差异对于英语詈语的使用影响并不显著,而且不同性别对特定詈语的偏好有所差异;英语詈语的使用对身份建构有一定影响,即在面对不同性别群体时会采取不同的策略构建身份形象。From the sociolinguistic perspective, this study investigates the use of English swear words by non-native English speakers among overseas students at a university in Dalian. It focuses on the similarities and differences in the use of English swear words, analyzes the impact of swear words on identity construction, and aims to offer suggestions for the appropriate application of swear words in cross-cultural communication. The study employed a combination of questionnaire surveys and semi-controlled interviews to collect data and utilized IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 to analyze the influence of gender and English proficiency on the use of English swear words. The study brings to light that gender and English proficiency levels do not significantly influence the use of English swear words, with distinct gender preferences for certain types of swear words. The use of English swear words significantly influences identity construction, with individuals adopting varied strategies to construct their identities when interacting with different gender groups.